Thursday, November 24, 2011


Josh Groban - Thankful.

"Some days we forget
To look around us
Some days we can't see
The joy that surrounds us
So caught up inside ourselves
We take when we should give.

So for tonight we pray for
What we know can be.
And on this day we hope for
What we still can't see.
It's up to us to be the change
And even though we all can still do more
There's so much to be thankful for.

Look beyond ourselves
There's so much sorrow
It's way too late to say
I'll cry tomorrow
Each of us must find our truth
It's so long overdue

So for tonight we pray for 
What we know can be
And every day we hope for
What we still can't see
It's up to us to be the change
And even though we all can still do more
There's so much to be thankful for.

Even with our differences 
There is a place we're all connected
Each of us can find each other's light

So for tonight we pray for
What we know can be
And on this day we hope for 
What we still can't see
It's up to us to be the change
And even though this world needs so much more

There's so much to be thankful for."

Good Afternoon and welcome to Thankful Thursday - special because it is Thanksgiving for our American friends - and I wish we also celebrated Thanksgiving  - because "There is so much to be thankful for."

Where do I begin to count my blessings?   I am totally overwhelmed when I list the things and people I am thankful for - blessings abound in my heart and in my life.

I am blessed to live in a great country when medical assistance was there when I needed it. wonderful staff and the very special person who donated their liver to me.   " Oliver"  and I are doing fine and there is never a day starts or ends when I don't lift up my heart in gratitude to the wonderful man to whom I owe my life.

I could list pages of things that I am thankful for - and it would be a very long list filled with many many thing both material and emotional.  On the material side - I have everything I need - not everything I want and that too is a good thing.

I am blessed to be and am thankful for those who love me - family and friends and those special Internet friends who transcend time and space and call in to see how I am.   I am thankful for their care and affection.  I am thankful for the lady at the shopping centre this morning who said "My dear you look so well" - I then went on to tell her something of my journey and she was amazed.   Another lady nearby on hearing our conversation joined in and told us she had donated a kidney to her sister - it was nice to share a few minutes with a donor and it blessed my day.

There are friends who have taken time off work and are traveling for a family wedding, and those whose heart is breaking because of bad news from a Doctor and who now face Christmas with a heavy heart because of an illness of a family member and I am thankful to them for sharing their journey with me and allowing me close enough to be able to support them.

The sun is shining here and the sky is blue - but from what I hear there are dark clouds and rain in much of America  and that it is cold too - stay warm and safe my friends.

If you are gathering with family for celebrations I hope it is a wonderful day for you - if you are house bound and can't get out to celebrate - I send you love and care and wishes and prayers enough to chase any gloom away.  Find the things you are thankful for and acknowledge them and be glad for all you have.

 This was the view from the chair at my podiatrist this morning - it is very beautiful and was a very nice interlude in another day.  There were water birds swooping and diving and rowing and other aquatic events taking place.

Take time to be thankful - to say thank you - to enjoy the very special things that friendship brings to your life.

I wish you all a day filled with thanks and hearts filled with love  - thanks for visiting The Musings from My Heart - "There is so much to be thankful for."

Love and hugs,

1 comment:

Joseph said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you too Linda. I am the oldest in my family - so I have the honor of saying "Grace" at our families Thanksgiving table. You most certainly will be mentioned among the friends and family who have made this Thanksgiving possible for me.

