Monday, February 28, 2011


Welcome to Monday and Monday Morning you sure look fine to me - it is cool and overcast here in Adelaide on this last day of summer in Australia.

This is the eighth week of the year - tell me someone where the year is going - I can't believe it is going so quickly.  It seems no sooner than I am up and showered than it is time to go back to bed.

Life is good, life is kind and life is beautiful.  I am blessed because although I am tired from a busy weekend I can rest and restore.

I saw a movie yesterday and I still am not sure what it was about - it was very very loud, and very very fast - I saw "I am number four" with friends - two loved it, one hated it and I just didn't really understand it.  It was, however lovely to be out in company and we then had a meal at a Tavern which was lovely.  Two of our group are going to see "The Black Swan" and I am contemplating joining them - I saw shorts of it this morning and maybe I will go.

Today is the Academy Awards and I am hoping that "The King's Speech" does very well - it was a film I really enjoyed and admired the acting skills.

Christchurch, New Zealand is still struggling to even begin to come to terms with the changes for that fair city and the death toll is mounting.  Christchurch will never again be the same because so much has been damaged and the rest will have to be pulled down.  Difficult days for New Zealand and my prayers wing their way trans Tasman.

I am going to "Vinnie's Op Shop" again today or tomorrow - this time I am taking things there.  I have been clearing out my linen press and there is such a lot of stuff that I will never use again and I am sure will be of great use to some family.

It is a nice feeling to be "De cluttering" in some small way - I find if I do one cupboard at a time it does not become a monumental task and it is manageable.  It was lovely to see the bed linen that the children loved and I hope some other children will enjoy it too.

Another week started and what plans do you have ?  I have some medical things to be done this week and will program the rest of my time around those. They are early in the day which pleases me as I am a morning person and like to get on with the day.

I shall do a couple of cryptic crosswords today with a friend and I have some laundry to do (will do that later in the day and hang it out overnight).  I love the summer nights when things are cool and the sky is clear and full of diamonds.

Thank you for reading "The Musings from my Heart" and I wish you a lovely evening/a peaceful sleep/a positive and productive day - this of course depends on where you are in our lovely but troubled world.

Love and hugs,

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Good Morning on Sunday - peaceful cool morning here today and holding the promise of a sunny afternoon and a temperature of 30 (86 degrees).  It is cloudy and still - how blessed we are to have such peaceful weather.  Some of the world   is freezing and having snow snow snow and, other places deluging rain and cyclones and they are such varying and extreme conditions.

We live in such a sad world where there is suffering and pain all over and it brought joy to my days this week to hear from a friend that her little Granddaughter had been born on Wednesday night late.

Welcome to the world Matilda Jane - sister to Riley - a very beautiful baby weighing in a t 10 lbs. 1 oz. 22 inches long and with a very protective big brother.  Congratulations Lauren and Chris.

This is Riley with HIS baby sister Matilda Jane.

It was a delight to hear such special news - I believe that a new baby is a promise that life should and must go on in spite of all the difficulties around us.  Welcome little promise we wish you a peaceful and calm life.  They have gone home from hospital and I got a message from Riley and Matilda's Grandmother saying "My cup runneth over" - isn't that beautiful.

I had dinner with "girlfriends" last night and it was lovely and then we sat and watched "Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe"  - a film I had seen before but really enjoyed again.  Lots of funny things and I enjoyed the company and staying up late.   But boy this morning I am a tired girl.

I am supposed to be doing a movie this afternoon with friends but I shall have to be feeling more with it or I will sleep through the film.  Sunday afternoon - a movie and an ice cream - what a nice thing to do.

Busier week ahead with medical appointments and I know I am on a treadmill with them and locked into a grid of appointments.  I also know that I shall continue to keep these appointments - they keep me well and pick up any problems early enough to do something about them and I am thankful.

We have weather forecasts for the week quite within manageable ranges - so that's a blessing too.  Tomorrow (28th. February sees the end of summer here) and I have noticed already how the days are shorter, sun up later and going down earlier too.   How quickly the seasons roll on from year to year and I look forward each year to autumn days:

 " SEASON of mists and mellow fruitfulness,
   Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun; " 
John Keats.

I look forward to the beautiful leaves along the river bank and walking through them and enjoying the glorious colours of the world.

I am off now to enjoy my Sunday and wish you a sweet and peaceful sleep if nighttime is on it's way for you and to you all wherever you are in this still very beautiful world - I wish you a pleasant Sunday, some time with those you love, make that phone call you have been planning to, it will be appreciated.  Write a letter for no reason at all other than to bring a smile to a friend's face.

I have caught up this weekend with my letter writing and just have four more to pop in the mail and then it is all done - such a nice feeling.

Thank you for reading the " Musings of My Heart"

Love and hugs,

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Welcome to my little corner of the world on a hot and cloudy Saturday morning  - a typical February day in South Australia.  I have the whole day stretching in front of me with nothing scheduled or planned.   

I have already done my grocery shopping and had to drive past Vinnie's Op Shop and that's just the trouble I didn't drive past - I went in and bought a piece of hot pink Satin fabric for the cushion I want to make for my bentwood rocker.

This is an image of a chair similar to the one I am wanting to paint white and put the pink cushion on - too hot to paint at the moment and it needs a little tender loving care before it will be ready to paint.  I plan to sew a white doillie on to the cushion - I hope it all works out well.

Of course three books just jumped into my bag while I was there so I hope to enjoy them and perhaps do some reading this afternoon.  I have lots of things I want to do - letters to write and emails to send, sewing and mending.   Lots of things I can do if I want to do them. Oh the bliss of being able to please myself and do or not do things. 

A busy medical week ahead for me - Dentist on Tuesday and then later in the week chest Xray and Echocardiogram all taking place at Flinders and the following week will be a similar time for me with bloods to be done and another visit to Specialist and Clinic.  This is going to be the ongoing pattern of my life and I accept it with good grace and the sheer joy of just being alive and well.

Tomorrow a girlie afternoon with a movie and an ice cream and that will be lovely.   So that's about the sum total of my weekend plans  - guess compared with some of you it is boring and ordinary - but for me ordinary days are beautiful.  Ordinary day how I ached for you, longed for you and cried for you and now welcome you with open arms.

Boredom is a word that doesn't feature well in my vocabulary - I can always amuse myself (rarely with television) - I find lots of things to do.   I love writing letters and posted 15 this morning to various friends around the country.   Just keep in touch letters and many in reply to Christmas letters I received.  I love email - but there is nothing sweeter or nicer than a letter in the post - a letter from a friend that has been held in their hands and mailed specially to me.  I love receiving letters.  I have been corresponding with a friend in Wellington, New Zealand for over forty years and I cherish each letter from him and writing to him is on my agenda for this afternoon.

I love dropping letters in the box and sending them on their way with love.

It is lunch time for me - so I will sign off now and thank you for taking the time to visit this and read "the musings of my heart."

A sandwich and iced coffee on my menu today - smoked turkey and avocado on rye bread - yum.

Take care and enjoy your weekend - find things to do that bring you joy, spend time with your family and friends and feed your soul.

Love and hugs,

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Welcome to Thankful Thursday - another week just flown by - a good week for me - I am well and have so much to be thankful for.

The little things that irk me and get under my skin pale into insignificance when I look around me at the extreme distress for so many people - and I am thankful for my life - it isn't perfect but it is very close to it.

I give thanks daily for the resilience of the human spirit and the people bounce back from whatever is hurled at them.   Then endure, persist and just carry on.  They care for each other and disasters as we have seen recently bring out the very best in people.  

(Sadly they bring out the worst in some people- and I am thankful that those people found looting in Christchurch have been arrested.  The mentality of those who commit this crime appals  - it is so awful to try to gain from other peoples distress.)

I am thankful for DonorAwareness Week here in Australia and for the amazing stories I am hearing - people sharing their journey with the world - each transplant is a miracle and I am thankful for those Donor families who took part in that miracle.

For my family and extended family, the children who bring smiles and warmth to my life and the friends who care for me each day.  For the phone calls, emails and messages - I am thankful.

I have seen technology at it's very best this week in search and rescue and I am overawed by it all.  The rescue teams (including those beautiful dogs who also risk their lives to try to find people) give me cause to be thankful.

For the little things - a phone call from Darwin from Naomi to let me know she is fine and that as part of her work she had attended a Orientation Week program at Darwin University and that she had been able to view "The Book of Life" at the DonateLife booth and able to share with people my story in that book.   I had hoped to be able to purchase a copy of the very beautiful book, but am advised that it is not going to be available for purchase.  I am thankful that John and Naomi have seen it and hope that the rest of the family have the opportunity to view it.

I am thankful that I have managed the technology of a digital camera and can share images with friends and include a photograph here that I may have shared before (I have it set as my desk top image).  Roses from my garden - the rose is Eiffel Tower - a very fragrant rose.  This was taken during a very rainy Friday.

This photograph was taken before a scorching searing heat could change this to rose crisps.

I am thankful for the friends who share website with me and encourage me in my endeavours.

I hope that you are able to find things to be thankful for and that life for you is  good in your little corner of the world.  I hope the weather is kind to you, you have time to spend with your children and there is time for you to do something to feed your soul - read some of your book, go for a walk, just sit quietly for a little while - it is so easy to become lost in what you have to do that we forget to nurture ourselves.

Be gentle with yourself and thank you for stopping by to read the musings from my heart.

Love and hugs,

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

TUESDAY AFTERNOON and tears for Christchurch

My how the days fly by - seems I missed a Monday post here.  I have been busy following the activities of DonateLife week - not that I have been attending I have been following on line.

I have not felt quite up to par for a couple of days so have been taking things slowly and my life is uncomplicated at the moment when I think of all the natural disasters affecting Australia and now New Zealand.  

The news of a large earthquake in New Zealand brought me to tears for our friends across the Tasman Sea.  As I write the death toll is 65 and lots of people homeless and night is falling for them which makes rescue work more difficult.

My prayers and thoughts go out to New Zealand and I grieve for the beautiful Christchurch Cathedral which this evening lies in ruins.

This is an image of the Cathedral before the quake.

and these two after:

This building was a beautiful feature of the City of Christchurch and it brings me to tears to see her thus.

I really don't have much news to share - I am well and a little tired but so grateful to be alive.

We did some furniture removal last night for Narelle - well it wasn't really furniture moving it was collecting chairs and then transferring her sofa to a trailer to go to a new home.  We had more than enough hands but I am not sure how light the work was - that sofa is a heavy beast.

Nick displayed some very clever backing of the trailer - I stand in awe of people who can do that - I can't at all - I am alright driving forward with a trailer etc. but if you want it backed in - you best find someone to to do it or take the trailer off the car and man handle it.  Nick made it look so easy - very proud of him.

We then had Pizza and a chat and so it was a later night for me - but nice to see people I don't see nearly often enough for me.  There was laughter and conversation and I enjoyed it.  It left me feeling tired but today I didn't have a lot planned.

I can't believe how quickly the weeks are passing and I seem sometimes to not get very much done  - we are getting close to March which is the third month which means it will soon be 1/4 of the way through the year.

It will soon be time to start thinking about Christmas - which is a silly thing to say because I have not stopped thinking about it or planning for it.

Narelle did some shopping at Peter's of Kensington (Sydney) for me and bought lots of goodies for our Christmas quiz prizes and it was fun going through them.  She also bought me some very lovely Christmas Serviettes with images of holly leaves on.

I did actually contemplate some sewing this afternoon but it didn't happen - instead I starting sorting fabrics etc. so I guess that counts as getting ready.  I have so many things I want to make - and during a sleepless night last night I made plans to paint a bentwood rocking chair I have.  It needs some loving care and with a good coat of white paint and a nice cushion on it I think it will look nice along side the cane shelving unit I painted white and shared with you late last year.

My mind is constantly buzzing and I will enjoy giving this chair a new lease of life - it has been stored for about 10 years and why it came to mind I have no idea - but when I retrieved it from the garage this morning I felt good about the plans I have for it.   I could visualize a cushion in a bright colour with a white doily sew to the cover.   Sorting through my fabrics I found some suitable material for the inner liner of the cushion, I need to purchase some wadding and find a nice cover fabric to sew.  I have lots of doilies I bought at the Opportunity Shop last Saturday.   Those doilies certainly give me some inspiration and I find pleasure in things like that.

A friend who survived Cyclone Yasi and who is now decluttering has promised me some doilies in the mail and I am looking forward to their arrival.

Cyclone Yasi has left a trail of emotionally damaged people and I am guessing that this will be the situation in Christchurch in coming days.

I am alive and well and loving life, but it is with a heavy heart I close this epistle for today.

My love and care to you all.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Again a lovely Sunday morning but this time we were out and about.

We were in Bonython Park by just after 10.00and ready for the rose planting in the the Gift of Life Garden which was due to take place at 11.00 - the weather was threatening rain so off we went with umbrellas and also sun hats - the sublime to the ridiculous.

A good crowd gathered to watch the planting of this years rose named
"Memory" which was planted by Mrs. Leesa Viahos MP representing The Hon, John Hill, Minister for Health and assisted by Dr. George Stolze as a Donor family representative.

Over the years the names of the roses planted in this lovely garden are:

2000 - "Reflection Rose"

2001 -  "Joy of Health Rose"

2002  -  "Joy of Life Rose"

2003   -  "Remember Me Rose

2004   -  "Peace Rose"

2005   -  "Sacred Heart Rose"

2006   -  "In Appreciation Rose"

2007   -  "The Children's Rose"

2008   -  "Remember Me Rose"

 2009   - "Close to You Rose"

 2010   - "Gift of Grace Rose"

2011   - "Memory Rose."

   I spoke to my daughter on the phone and mentioned where I was going and became quite emotional - there are tears yet to be shed but today was a time for remembering and giving thanks for everything to do with organ donation and transplant.

I did manage a few photographs, but generally was too caught up in the event and listening to the speakers and forgot.

It is a beautiful garden and so close to the City tramline and a busy arterial road - but a place to find comfort and solace.  I shall visit the gardens again and take a photograph of the rose that was planted today.

I had the opportunity to meet Brendon - a Donor Dad who belongs to my on line group Transplant Friends Australia - and we shared some of our journey with each other - I am so pleased to have met him.

I had the opportunity to view "The Book of Life" in which I feature and was standing at the lectern viewing the very large book with quite a few people viewing too and when I came to my page everyone was very interested and a young lady behind me touched me on the arm and said "I looked after you at Flinders".  It was lovely to meet Nat and say thank you.  She assured me I was looking very well and certainly not as yellow.  It was lovely to meet a nurse who had cared for me while I was in ICU - so I was blessed this morning in so many ways.

There was a song in my heart this morning and Nat was one of the nurses who had helped put it there.

It was a proud and happy experience.

Love and hugs,

Saturday, February 19, 2011


I woke this morning to a quiet world - it was early and I suspect my neighbours were taking the opportunity to stay in bed a little longer than on week days.

It was very damp in my little corner of the world following a day of constant rain - it rained from 5.40.a.m. to approximately 9.30.p.m. 16 hours of beautiful rain - steady and peaceful - no winds just rain rain rain.  Other places were not quite so fortunate as parts of the country areas of our State received lots more rain and had some flooding.  

The weather pattern is out of control all over Australia and the Cyclone season has still got quite a way to go yet.

Cool breezes here but once more the sky is blue and the birds are singing.

I have been to do my normal grocery shopping - a task I really don't enjoy but I am blessed to be able to do it and to get food for my week.

I called to try to fix a computer problem for a friend and didn't succeed there, and I also went to the "Op Shops" - I had a ball.   

I came home with three books (no surprise there)

The Horse Whisperer by Nicholas Evans

The Christmas Box by Richard Paul Evans

Balance of Power by  Richard North Patterson *

* this one being a large hard cover book which will not be suitable to read in bed or I will knock myself out when I fall asleep.

I did have a lovely browse around and looked at all the things that have been pre-loved and once someone's treasure and it made me wonder about the things and what their story is - why are they there?  I bought some crocheted doilies and some fabric for sewing - all sorts of craft things buzzing through my head.   I bought a man's necktie too to add to the collection I already have.

I want to make a bag for Rebecca and Melinda with the ties that have been their Dads as part of the decoration - I think it will be a nice idea for them to have them, but I need a few more to match those I have.

this image is from "From Rags to Bags"

It is just a plan which I hope will take place - today's tie was silver/charcoal grey/black and white diagonal stripes.

I really did enjoy the time browsing around and finding things and these things have brought me pleasure as I hope they did to their original owners.

News from America that little Tater went home from hospital on Wednesday and is doing very well.

Received an invitation yesterday to join friends to see Cirque Du Soleil in May - but I have declined - I did hesitation and hover, but acrobatic things don't really do much for me - I guess I will be sorry I didn't go but - that's life.

I have so many things I could be doing this afternoon - and yet I somehow think it may be an afternoon of reading - I have just had lunch - a lovely ham and salad wrap - yummy.  One job I must do is prepare my medications for the coming week - I have trouble believing another week has come around.

Tomorrow I am going to a Rose Planting Ceremony here in Adelaide as an opening event to Organ Donor Awareness week which starts tomorrow.  There are lots of functions on this week all over Australia and one is the release of an eBook and this is the link for the book.

My story is on page 63-64 and there are stories of other Transplant friends throughout the book.

Be sure whoever you are, wherever you are to have this important conversation with your family and friends and to register your decision with the appropriate authority (in Australia is is Medicare at the following link.

(Check for your own country or state requirements.)

South Australia had 31 organ donors last year - I am sure we can do better than that.  I was astounded when I read this knowing that so many people die while on the register waiting for an organ.
How very blessed I was - my wait was only 8 weeks.

Sitting on this beautiful cool afternoon with nice coffee and writing to you brings me joy - doesn't matter when you get to read it - I am glad you do read and visit often.   Leave me a message some time so I know you were here.

With a happy and thankful heart I will say cheerio to you for now - I will be back again soon to share more of my days.

Love and hugs,

Friday, February 18, 2011


Hear we are at fabulous Friday - fabulous because it is another beautiful day to be alive and fabulous because it heralds the weekend ahead.

I know those of you who work full time value beyond belief the weekends - the only real time you have to do jobs that have to be done and the only time for you to socialize and enjoy the company of friends.   Just to do the things that feed my soul brings me joy in these days when I am not under pressure as I have been before.  My days are long and sweet - I give thanks that I have the freedom to be me.

I have the freedom to do things as slowly or as quickly as I want to and find that the days are soon gone - filled with happy hours and lots of things left undone too.  Things I procrastinate about will eventually get done and I have learned not to stress about them.

Today we are seeing some grey skies and rain rain rain - something we sure can use and I am told this is part of the cyclonic effects of Cyclone Dianne which is all set to wreak havoc on our Western Australian Coast. 

We in Adelaide are not due for the strong winds which is a blessing and the rain is forecast to be consistent but not the deluging type.

The forecast weather wise for the weekend is for a few showers and drizzle but I hope it clears for our Fringe Festival here in Adelaide.

read about our Fringe Festival and if you are attending any of the shows I hope the weather is kind because so many events are outdoor events.

I wish you a "Fabulous Friday" and I hope there is lots of sunshine in your shadows today.   

Love and hugs,

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Good Morning and welcome to "Thankful Thursday" and on this very grey and heavy Thursday morning I have so much to be thankful for.

We have rain forecast for tomorrow but from the look of the sky this morning I think it may arrive earlier.  It is warm and humid this morning - not a typical Adelaide summer morning.     

Summer mornings in Adelaide are usually very bright, very hot and with clear blue skies, but this morning is far from that.  I would be understandable to think it was much earlier than this eight thirty.

My cat is giving me grief - she didn't come home until very very late last night and when she did she was very demanding of my time and of course she was hungry.  Whenever I walk - she lies down in front of me and I am scared I am going to fall. She is very aloof and this falling down in front of me is about the only real form of interaction she has with us "mere mortals."  - I recall the statement that dogs have owners but cats have staff.  So very true with Chloe

There are many things I don't like about summer, but some things I do and to have a home grown peach sliced up for breakfast is one of them - bliss.

Dinner and company was good - some discussion and debate and of course the crossword puzzles. It means a later night for me and last night I stayed up late and wrote two more posts for my Blog "A Liver for Linda" and although at times it is difficult - it it enlightening to me and to others. 

March in my diary is looking busy with another appointment added yesterday 0 this time a dental appointment on 1st. March - which gives clear indication that it is six months since i saw her.  I can't believe that six months have gone by and I question what have I achieved?  

I don't think I have done very much at all - did lots of arrangements for Christmas and loved it, have driven to places, seen movies, read books and been out to meals.  I do hope that somewhere in all of that business of my life I have been able to bring a smile to people, offer a helping hand, speak a kindly word and offer some comfort.  I hope I have nurtured friendships and made new ones.

"Thankful Thursday" brings to mind lots of things and these are just some of them:

As always I am thankful for life itself - for a transplant aware family whose gift gave me life. I am thankful for Donor Awareness Week this coming week which is a time for education and awareness.

I am thankful that Cylone Yasi did not take human life (although there is much unseen damage to be healed.)  Cyclone Carlos is currently leaving Darwin alone and Tropical Cyclone Dianne is forming off the northern Western Australian coast (sorry Dianne - there is nothing cyclonic about you)  It gets confusing for me at times I have a Diane in Illinois, a Diane in far north Queensland and a Dianne here in Adelaide - I am thankful for friends.

I am thankful for the little things in life - those little things that bring joy and pleasure as I go about my day - a tomato bush still in fruit, beautiful pink roses, the smell of a barbeque at a neighbours, a cheerful wave and smile from across the road, good neighbours and good friends.

The telephone is something for which I am thankful - it puts me instantly in touch with friends and family and how often we take it for granted.  Music lives in my heart and I am thankful for those talented people who write such magic and share it with the world.

Books are also on my thankful list and I have just started listing books with Book Crossing. A lovely way to share books by leaving them for someone to find and you can track the journey of your books.

Have a look here and learn about it.

It looks to me to be a lot of fun.

I am thankful for my online Group - Aussies Crazy About Christmas and for the friendships I have made there.  It is lots of fun sharing ideas and details of plans and recipes.

I am off now to find joy around me and to enjoy my day - there are tears some days as this world is full of sadness, but I can usually manage to find some joy in most things.

So I say farewell with a thankful heart and wish you peace and calm until our paths cross again,

Love and hugs,

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

WEDNESDAY AGAIN - my how time flies

Welcome to Wednesday and it is 59 weeks today since my transplant - the time has flown by - but there were difficult weeks and some of them I have no memory of at all.  I really don't have much memory of the last two summers.  Vague recollections of hospitals and feeling ill and of visitors who were struggling with the heat.  Memories of things outside hospital walls are vague too - horrendous bush fires here in Australia and Earthquakes in Haiti - and so many other things happening while I was cocooned away in hospital.

Today I am very aware of everything connected to my life and feel very blessed to share some of it with you.  I am very aware of events happening within Australia and also overseas.  

This summer has seen Australia suffer immense damage from floods/fires and cyclones and it isn't over yet.   Darwin is on cyclone watch as I write, and there is the possibility of a cyclone forming over Western Australia too.

There is such a lot of material damage caused and such a lot to be done to clean up, rebuild and restore but it is the emotional damage done to people that worries me - after the adrenalin rush of having to evacuate, stay safe etc. there are people for whom the clean up is overwhelming and brings other issues to the front.  There are many with broken hearts as well as broken homes and lives.
Oh for the wings of an angel to bring peace and healing to them.

A quiet day for me - I was going shopping but checked the freezer and pantry and I don't have to go I have all that I need here.  Friends for dinner tonight - discussion, debate and crossword puzzles.  The crossword puzzles are to keep the minds of three "older" people alert and bright - I hope it works.

Life is good for me and I am hoping to attend a rose planting ceremony next Sunday in gardens nearby to celebrate the start of Donate Life Week in Australia. 

There are several functions on during this week and information for our Australian friends can be obtained at this link:

and once again I encourage you all to "have that conversation with family and friends" so that they know your wishes and to register on line at the Medicare site:

To my overseas friends - check out your position in your own State and pass the word around.

I am alive and well thanks to a wonderful man and his family who took the steps to ensure that his wishes were carried out.

It is warm today in Adelaide but not the intense blistering heat that no-one can really cope with well, and for that I am thankful.

My friend Mary is at home on her mountain again, but missing Narelle and I wish for her calm and peaceful days.   Hopefully she will be back to visit again in the reasonably near future.

So that's where I am at on this Wednesday morning - at home and at home with myself.

Take care of yourselves and of each other - be kinder than you have to be.
Everyone is carrying a burden of some kind.

Love and hugs,

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

problems with the blog.

I have no idea why the blog is cutting words in half and messing with my post of today.  

I am trying to correct it but not have a lot of success.

Love and hugs


It is warm in Adelaide today and not surprisingly because it is still summer.

I have noticed lately though that the days are getting "shorter" or rather the daylight hours are getting shorter - darker in the mornings and also dark earlier in the evenings - the promise of Autumn - my favourite time of year.

And that of course brings to mind the John Keats poem 

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,
Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;
Conspiring with him how to load and bless
With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;
To bend with apples the moss’d cottage-trees,
And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;
To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells
With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,
And still more, later flowers for the bees,
Until they think warm days will never cease,
For Summer has o’er-brimm’d their clammy cells.

I love the work of Keats and watched "Bright Star" (The story of John Keats) on Sunday a DVD gift from Nick and Rebecca for my birthday and I really enjoyed it.  
The costumes were splendid and I really enjoy it all.
Today is a hairdresser day and I always enjoy the chatter of the girls and the way they share their lives with me - of course Valentines Day gave them much to talk about this morning.  Flowers, chocolates and romance.
They love doing my hair because I usually give them free rein to do what they wish and they are very excited that my hair is thicker and in much better  
condition than it has been during my illness. 

This is a photo of today's hairdo - even if I say so myself I think I am looking  quite well again.

It is good to feel well and to be able to drive myself to the Hairdresser (and  anywhere else I want or need to be. John still takes me to Flinders because  parking there is a nightmare and he goes and parks the car after dropping me off.  It's a really nice feeling to have my hair done, to smell of my favourite   perfume and sit behind the wheel of my car - look out world here I come.
I owe my life to so many things - my Donor and his family, my medical team,  and wonderful nurses - to you all I offer my sincere and eternal thanks.
I had a lovely chat with Rebecca who is very very busy at work - she and Nick are calling it "Frantic February"  - I suggested 'Frantic Frenetic February."       They are both busy at work and it is the Fringe Festival in Adelaide and lots  of shows they want to see.  Naomi and Alexis too are struggling with time to do all they wish with work and study for both of them.
  And here I sit with an empty diary - I have had those frenetic times and      really don't miss them at all.
There are days when checking email and doing this blog seem to be the only  things I manage to get done - although I do keep the laundry and most         things up to date.  But these are my days - they are special and I am           enjoying them - enjoying writing things and being in touch with friends all      over the world.
They are happy days with a sense of gratitude and a feeling of being at home with myself again.
Be safe wherever you are and do take time to stop and just take some deep  breaths - sit in silence for a while with a nice drink and find yourself again.
Love and hugs,
(I love this tag by Christina - pink daffodils - how lovely.)