Friday, September 9, 2011


Welcome to Friday in my little corner of the world where Mother Nature is dancing on the wind, the temperature is very low and we are alternating between rain and sunshine.  I have found today to be quite cold and have spent most of it quietly and very pleasantly.

The birthday wishes still keep coming and that delights me - I was to have breakfast tomorrow out with a friend from long ago but unfortunately she has a cold so has cancelled so that I am not at risk of infection and I appreciate when people are thoughtful like that.  So I am back to an ordinary weekend and will probably shop in the morning and then take things quietly.   Depends how I feel I may even take in a movie on my own, that's tomorrow and I will just take it as it comes.

What wonderful plans do you have for your weekend - rest at home, weddings, celebrations, picnics, visits with family and friends?  All of those lovely things can be done with delight and relish.

It is the last day of the Royal Adelaide show and Melinda and Damon are bringing Grace and Henry down to go to the Show and they will love it - shame that most of the animals will have left for home.  That little family certainly clocks up some mileage over the year on trips to and from Adelaide.  I did think of going with them and having the option to come home on the bus, but I think that would be a little too optimistic.

I have lots to do at home - rather lots I should do but lots I probably wont do, and I do have some craft work I could do while I watch a DVD - I am just going to let the days evolve.

The strong wind is damaging the spring flowers and freesias, daffodils etc are almost flattened - they have truly been lovely and brought such joy to my days.

It's been a busy week for friends and the weekend is shaping up to be busy too.   Narelle and Ilona are off to Ardrossan for the day on Saturday to see Ilona's sister's beach house.  A lovely cool day for a long car journey so I hope that they have a safe and pleasant time.  Ilona is travelling to Keith Monday/Tuesday to spend some time with her Father so I am guessing she is going to be a very tired lady.

Plans are in the pipeline for a girls outing to celebrate my birthday but that will be a bit later on - making it last even longer.

Most of Queensland is being lashed by heavy rain, strong winds and storms - so we are really are back to winter.

Wherever you are - stay warm, be safe if you are travelling and I wish you joy in the little things - kindness from a stranger and sunshine on your pathway.

Love and hugs,

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