Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Harve Presnell - They Call the Wind Mariah

Good Afternoon - Spring has arrived in Adelaide in all her glory  and with all her moods - I think we have had all four seasons in one day today.

When I got up this morning the sky was black and the wind was howling as it had done for most of the night - the rain was very heavy and some parts of town had heavy hail storms.

Within an hour the sun was shining and the sky was blue - such contrast and it stayed that way for most of the day - but mid afternoon the storms and winds returned and there were heavy downpours.   Very typical spring weather when Mother Nature can be so fickle.  Typical "Royal Show" weather - the crowds would have been soaking wet several times today.

I have an industrious day gong through my bookshelves and I am convinced the books breed on the shelves - I have been very brave and decided to part with some of them and they are all bagged up ready to go and I now have spaces for new arrivals.  I am sure the spaces will be filled soon.

It is a good feeling to get this done as it has needed doing for a long time and I haven't been up to doing it - I decided during the night that today was the day and I have achieved.   I haven't done much else, but I do have the satisfaction of knowing that this is one huge job done.   I have about 8 bags of books to be disposed of to Vinnie's or Salvation Army, and bags for Rebecca, Naomi and several other people.  

Tomorrows task will be getting them out of the door before they breed again and I shall do that early in the morning along with some shopping.

Received a message this morning with an invitation to go out to breakfast on Saturday with someone I watched grow up and haven't seen for a long time.   Breakfast will be at some classy place and I will love it.   I really do like breakfast out - best time of the day.

So all in all my day has been a good one - How has your's been?  Have you achieved or has it been one of those going round in circles days when it it best to just let the day win and not fight it any more?

The song in this page reminded me very much of a Movie excursion with my Dad to see "Paint Your Wagon" which he absolutely loved and he too was born under a wandering star and was never truly settled.   He would have been happy to be at sea the whole of his life and I hope that whatever star is shining for him now is a wandering star.

Enjoy your evening, be happy, be safe and be well and be content with achieving little things because they all add up to big things.

Love and hugs and thanks for visiting "The Musings from My Heart."


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