Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Ruby Tuesday - The Rolling Stones

Welcome to another Ruby Tuesday and just click your heels together three times and say "There's no place like home" and who knows where you will be taken on this Ruby Tuesday.   I hope that your Yellow Brick Road is a smooth one and that there is sunshine and rainbows in your day.

It is warm today with warm winds but we are forecast rain overnight and cooler days ahead and for the holiday weekend we are forecast quite cold days.  Doesn't matter what the weather is - there can always be sunshine in your day if you let it in.   It can come in the form of music, times with friends, quiet times doing some craft project, some gardening, and just reading your current book.

If you can't actually spend time doing your projects - you can at least spend some time dreaming and thinking about it.  Making plans and collecting the things you need can also bring much pleasure.

Narelle and I have another beading class on October 15th. and I am looking forward to it very much and I have lots of other things in the pipeline to do.  I am borrowing the complete series on DVD of "Lord of The Rings" and going to see how I like that,   I have several other DVDs on my "to watch" list - Gone with the Wind, Dr. Zhivago, and a complete series Elizabeth films starring our Australian Cate Blanchet.  Lots of books sit on my "to be read" shelf so there is no time to be bored.

Lot of news from my Flinders Nurses - many new babies on the way or already arrived - for Dian a lovely little boy - Harry James and for Felicia a very beautiful little girl - Olivia Grace.  Naomi has returned to Perth and awaits her baby's arrival and Leanne doesn't have long to go now.
Congratulations girls - beautiful news.

I am well and now once again getting organized for my trip to Flinders next week for ERCP and am not really looking forward to having bloods drawn because that is getting more difficult.  Never mind - that is a small thing to have to cope with.

I have friends coming for lunch so that will occupy a few hours and Ray and I will once again have a go at the Cryptic crossword puzzle.  It is a very different way of thinking and I am glad to report that I am learning to think cryptically.

Time for breakfast for me - coffee and time to blog - bliss.

I wish you a wonderful day - a day filled with awareness of all that is around you,  kindness and smiles, music and flowers.  Take special care and be safe as you travel.

Thank you for taking the time to read "The Musings from my Heart" - I love it that you visit and I enjoy sharing my life post transplant with you - it is a good life - I am alive and well and very thankful.

Love and hugs,

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