Saturday, September 24, 2011


Zip-A-Dee-Dah - from Song of the South.

Good Morning and welcome to Saturday and a busy one for me but I just wanted to pop in to wish you a wonderful Saturday - sunshine, music, laughter and good friends and family.

The sun is shining and the wind has abated leaving us with a nice day - not hot which suits me very well.

I am a little out of step this morning as I usually do my shopping today and I keep having trouble remembering that this is indeed Saturday.,

I hope there is plenty of sunshine heading your way and you have a Zip-A-Dee-Doo -Dah day wherever you are and whatever you do.

I will try to post this evening and will hold you all in thought and hope your days is a good one - thanks for calling by and reading "the Musings from My Heart"

Love and hugs,

And yes I have changed the blog again - I am having trouble finding something that I really am happy with- but I will - so watch this space for more changes.

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