Thursday, October 6, 2011


Josh Groban - Thankful

Good Morning from Adelaide and it is still dark and very early - I have to leave early so got a start so that hopefully I will keep on track and have things posted on time.

It is dark and chilly in my town this morning, but the rain has stopped and the earth smells beautiful - damp and rich and I have so much to be truly thankful for.

I am thankful for being thankful and it really is amazing how much our attitude towards things changes how we allow those things to affect us.  I don't want to go to hospital, I don't want the anesthetic or the procedure but I am thankful for it.   I am thankful for skilled hands and wonderful nursing care and people who give their full attention to caring for those in their hands.

I am thankful that they have learned that this stent has to be changed and they know the reasons for that, and I accept that they are good and valid reasons and are all part of the "Keep Linda Alive" campaign.  I am medicated well and monitored often and give thanks that all has gone so well for me.   Yes there have been hiccups along the way, but overall my transplant was a wonderful experience .  I was sore and uncomfortable and often in pain, but there was always someone there reassuring me that what I was feeling was normal.  Pain relief was there if I wanted or needed it - all I had to do was ask.

I am thankful for the time I spent in hospital and the lessons I learned.   I came home with a new awareness of just how precious life is and how we should not sweat the small stuff.   I found joy in the little things, saw the world through different eyes 

So, today as I entrust myself to the hands and care of these special people I am again thankful for all I have in my life and for my life itself.  This can't be a long post as I really do have to move along - I wish you a day filled with sunshine and the hope that you can find things to be thankful for.

I am blessed indeed that I have someone to take me to hospital and someone to come and collect me and bring me home again - nothing like being at home.

I hope the sun shines for you, that there is music in your life and your heart and wherever you are I hope that there is a calm surrender to all the beautiful things around you.

I will check in again as soon as I can - in the meantime, I thank you for calling by and reading "The Musings from My Heart" - a slightly apprehensive heart this morning.

Are you being thankful ?

Love and hugs, 

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