Friday, November 4, 2011


Anne Murray - You Needed Me.

Good Morning and here we are at Friday morning in my little corner of the world and the northern hemisphere is following suit and will arrive at Friday soon.   The sun is shining and the sky is blue and I am quite refreshed from a better night's sleep.

Today is Dietitian Day for me at Flinders so that will take care of the afternoon and I shall get things done this morning and then suddenly it will be the weekend again and so the seasons roll on.   Been a bunch of birthdays for friends this week - Happy Birthday Di and Narelle - sunshine and stars for you both.

The image at the top of this blog says it all for me - yes I fall and yes I cry and the assurance and comfort from knowing I am not alone brings me comfort and joy.   I am not alone because I have my family and my friends to support and encourage me.  I am not alone because I belong to groups with members at all stages of their Transplant journey who know and understand exactly where I am and how I feel.   They understand the reactions to drugs and medications, the fatigue I feel and the days when it all gets a little bit hard.

There is immense joy in knowing that sharing my story has brought comfort and support to others and for that I am thankful.   To have shared the flame of hope with others is all that I can ask.

Phone call early morning from the airport from my younger daughter - she had been to Melbourne for a Janet Jackson concert last night - she flew out of Adelaide at 4.00.p.m. yesterday and was up at 4.30 this morning to catch the early morning flight to Adelaide.  Cab to the City and she would have been at her Office by 9.00 to start work.  Oh to have that sort of energy - I don't understand but then I don't have to - she is happy and enjoyed herself.   The first free day she and Alexis have is somewhere mid-December - they are real jet set members. Alexis flies to Perth on Saturday.   All of this with a full time, demanding job and studying full time - she amazes me.   She has captivated my heart from before she was born and has always had that drive and enthusiasm and a very sunny nature.  Her older sister is in awe of the speed she goes through life.

Today is a warm day and tomorrow forecast to be warmer and I shall be staying out of the sun - firstly because I don't like the heat and secondly because it is not good for my skin because of the medication I have to take.  I have so much planned for tomorrow at home - I wonder how much I will get done.    Will take photographs of any projects I complete and share them with you later.  I am hopeful.

Do you have plans for the weekend ?  Busy days or catching up at home?  Whatever is on your agenda - enjoy it and do it with a thankful heart.  I send love and care to those who are working on the weekend - it is tough working while everyone else seems to be enjoying themselves.   Your work is valid and important.

If you have little ones - try to spend some one on one time with them - do some cooking, painting or just go to the park, the library or even the Zoo.   Make each day important and be present to the moment.   
Try watching a DVD with the teenagers in your life or cook with them - just enjoy them - they grow up far too quickly and suddenly they are flying all over the countryside and you can't keep up.  !!

My tears these days are most often tears of joy at how far I have come and how much I have learned about the joy in little things, to not sweat the small stuff and being present to each moment of each new day.

Every sunrise hold the promise of a new day and new experiences for me and each sunset calls me to rest and restore ready for the next stage of my journey.

A happy day to you - I wish you green lights in traffic, coffee that you didn't have to make yourself, a hug from a friend, a compliment, a door held open by a stranger most of all I wish you love.

Thanks for visiting and reading the Musings from My Heart - a thankful and full heart this morning - full of the wonder of it all.

Thank you for wiping my tears dry, easing my troubled mind and for just being there for me.

Love and hugs,

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