Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Good Morning and welcome to my little corner of the world where the temperature is much lower and the day is glorious ~ even the birds are celebrating this lovely cool weather.   I have no idea how long it will last, but I will live in the moment and enjoy it while it is here, will refresh and restore ready for the next onslaught of heat.

Today I celebrate memories and there are so many I could write for days and not include them all and there are happy and sad memories too.  Mainly I have happy memories and with the sad ones I take them out of storage sometimes and quickly put them back - I am being present to each moment and enjoying making new memories each day.

Childhood times with my Father are good memories for me as are long rides on a pony down cinder paths and in all seasons ~ the warm rhythmic pace of a horse beneath me and the smell of autumn leaves and the sweat of a horse newly ridden at speed.

Holidays camping with the Girl Guides in North Wales and the crisp clear and beautiful air of Snowdonia in my nostrils.  Waking to a white world covered in a blanket of snow and making a Snowman with my Dad.

Leaving school and falling in love with the man who became Father to my two daughters and is still the man I fell in love with at 16.  Wedding plans and a wonderful honeymoon in Tasmania.   Babies welcomed with love and the struggle to give them birth.

Each stage of their development and the funny things they said and did and watching them grow into the beautiful young women they are today - going through and growing through University days, exams, love affairs, buying houses and cars are all good memories.  Each time I spend with them is a new memory and is cherished.

My own working days and the friends I have made along the way.  My oldest friend and I are still in touch and I have known him since I was 13 and he 23.  Distance keeps us apart but we are in touch often by phone and letter (yes ~ ordinary old fashioned snail mail.)

Healthy and happy times and times of sickness and long stretches in hospital and the kindness of those around me who brought joy to my days and kept me in touch with the real world outside.   A beautiful young nurse who was wife and mother and who brought her own mother and her precious baby girl to visit me.   Georgia and I had a lovely time and that is a memory I revisit often and find pleasure there.

Sunday mornings are not quite the same without a phone call from a much loved friend who has left this world - but the memories of those phone calls live with me still.   This man sat by my side when I was in hospital post transplant and just held my hand - there was no need for words - he was there.

The kindness and love of friends over time and distance, the gifts, the flowers and mostly the love and laughter and sharing all serve to bring joy to my days.

There are many many other thousands of memories ~ walks on Bidston Hill, The Bluebell Woods, the tears that stung my eyes as I viewed fields of daffodils, the joy of holidays by the sea and catching fish and cooking it for breakfast.  Weeds from a garden brought to me in a chubby hand with much love.  The touch of velvet ribbon and the fragrance of roses, lights on a Christmas tree dancing in the eyes of my children as they anticipated the arrival of Santa.

Music that stirs my soul and brings me to tears, the quiet solitude of time alone and the joy of time with friends.

All of these - and so much more bring me comfort and great joy and I look forward to making lots more memories and celebrating love and life.

“God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December.” 

Be present to each moment of your life and seize the day, make new memories and cherish them all.

Today and everyday I celebrate memories.

Thank you for visiting the Musings of My Heart and I wish you a day filled with wonderful memories.

Love and hugs,

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