Saturday, January 5, 2013


Welcome again to the Musings of my heart and today I use my word of the year "celebrate" and I celebrate friendship.

I celebrate those friendships that have stood the test of time and circumstance- those people who have been with me through thick and thin - who have been patient with me when I was unlovable because that's when I needed them most.

I celebrate those friendships, where although relatively new - seem to have been there forever - those we have loved in a past life and have always been there just waiting to meet.   I know and understand and value those friendships and I cherish mine. Those lovely souls who love me just as I am and encourage me to step out with courage and hope.

My "online" friends are special - always there to share laughter, tears, and life generally - with interest and care and although I shall probably not meet many of them in this life - they are special and appreciated.
Thank you Jen for your message about missing the blog and for your encouragement. 

My words for 2013 are 'CELEBRATE' and 'EMBRACE' so watch out for them in future posts.   Get used to them because we have a whole year of celebrating and embracing to do.

I am still living in a world of Christmas decorations because I am unable to pack them away with this broken hand  - and it's fine because I am enjoying them for longer.

I am finding it difficult to work one handed and frustrated that I am unable to drive - but I think there are lessons to be learned in patience, grace and humility.  It is not for long and is a walk in the park compared to where I was before my transplant and I face each day with hope and thanksgiving.

I have undertaken to take a photograph each day to a prompt and have started a blog 'FOR YOUR EYES ONLY'

This is the link - visit for a glimpse of my daily life.

Thank you for visiting the Musings of My Heart and watch for some new changes with the look - there are plans afoot.

Take care of yourselves, be happy and celebrate and embrace your lives.

Love and hugs,

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