Thursday, March 31, 2011

THANKFUL THURSDAY - and friends are like angels.

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - a beautiful day in Adelaide although quite cool still and I struggle to believe that it is a week since I went to Flinders - where does the time go?  I am a little less sore again this morning.

Thankful Thursday is always a good day for me to acknowledge those things that nourish/nurture/support and caress me.

I believe in angels - I believe they are among us and help us on our journey - and friends are like angels and for that I am very thankful.

I have rested "In The Arms of An Angel" often and felt the love, warmth and compassion of friendship and care.

Listen to Sarah McLaughlin sing "In the Arms of An Angel" - I have played this so many many times over the last two year and "found some comfort here."

Nurses are Angels "in comfortable shoes" and I have been blessed to feel the gentle tender hands of their care, to hear their soft voices and rippling laughter and I offer my thanks for them on Thankful Thursday.

I am thankful for laughter -that I am able to laugh at myself and the silly things I do and the way I try to recall things I have forgotten.  I am thankful for shared laughter with friends.

Good conversation about virtually anything gives me cause to be thankful; to be able to discuss the happenings in our world and try to sort things out - or at least sort out my thoughts about it all.

Telecommunications are wonderful and give great cause for thanks.   Little Avery started Pre Kindergarten in Valdosta yesterday and did very well and I learned that straight away because of these communications systems.

I have some photographs to share of his last days in Japan and his Graduation from his school there.

Ashley and Avery

Graduation Time

Avery and his girlfriend

Party time

Party time

Running to hug his teacher before leaving

Arms outstretched for that hug

It is such a joy to share these lovely images with you and such a cause for gratitude that they are home in the States and making a new and different life for themselves.   Japan will always hold a special place in their hearts and hopefully they will return there one day.  He has apparently told his girlfriend that he can't be her boyfriend any more now that he is going to live in America.  (not into long distance relationships our boy!)

My daily gratitude today is

"I am grateful for a sweet and peaceful sleep and a comfortable bed."

I did have a much better night last night but I am slow getting going this morning , but now sitting and relishing nice coffee and doing this blog - cause indeed for gratitude.

My heart is full of love and gratitude to the "Angels" who walk among us daily, who soothe my troubled soul and open my eyes to all that I have to be thankful for and to the beauty all around me.

It is only Thursday but already I am feeling excited about a music concert I am going to on Saturday afternoon with a friend - The Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber - more about that later.

I love music and the way it speaks to me, inspires me, lulls me off to sleep, comforts and guides me - so hearing the music from the Lloyd Webber Shows will be an afternoon of delight - I am thankful for music.

Step forth into this new day and explore the all the possibilities - consider what you will paint on your canvas and I hope that when end of day comes you are pleased and thankful for the picture you have painted.

Off now to work on my canvas for Thankful Thursday and giving thanks to you for your support and continued visits to read "The Musings from My Heart."

Love and hugs,


Unknown said...

Another lovely piece of music to read along with, so I am off to see what falls on my canvas and then tomorrow look for the angels on it, as I am sure there will be.

Diane said...

So enjoyable to read Linda, sorry I havent been doing the Blogg indulgence lately and so happy your still out their.. I hope to this week. I have been so busy running here and their and working out side when possible. Thanks again for your lovely post.

Hugs Diane