Whispering Hope - Jim Reeves
Good Morning and welcome to my little corner of the world - the sky is grey, the clouds are heavy and the thunder is rumbling - and of course heavy rain is falling. Such a difference to yesterday. I have done my shopping and will soon have to get ready to go to Flinders for my appointment.
I was made aware of the death and funeral of a beautiful little girl in USA whose name was HOPE - and I have always been aware of how important hope is in my life and pictured above is the sign that sits on my desk right in front of me - "HOPE - live for today and hope for tomorrow." My prayers, thoughts and care go out to this little one's family and friends as they struggle to come to terms with the face that their HOPE has gained her angel wings. This lovely little girl was so beautifully named and I pray that comfort and hope will return to these hurting hearts.
While looking for this music for this page I came across Jim Reeves singing "Adios Amigo" and that brought me to tears because that phrase was how my Father and I greeted each other and also used when we parted. His last words to me the night before he died were "Adios Amigo" and my response was "Adios Compadre". I miss him and I always will - but I have the love and memories to comfort me. My father was gone long before I became ill and I am thankful for that because it would have hurt him so much to see me go through what I did.
I have another sign on my desk - 'FAITH' - have faith in miracles." and I plan to get hold of the third one "LOVE"
My life would be much less if I were not to have these three - FAITH, HOPE and LOVE.
I hope there is Faith, Hope and Love in your life and they enable you to face each day with courage and steely determination to live life to the full. to be a little kinder, and to spread joy throughout your little corner of the world. Be the change you wish to see in the world by just practicing random acts of kindness, being helpful and cheerful.
I have hope for my appointment this afternoon and faith that all will be well - it holds me together and gives me strength. I know that whatever is on the agenda for my life and my path - I do not walk it alone and I claim the courage to face my journey. I know that I have wonderful support globally with a wonderful network of prayer warriors who have carried me and continue to do so. I cannot and will not lose Hope or Faith and I feel the love around me.
What does the weekend hold for you ? I have a beading class tomorrow with my friend Narelle and I am looking forward to that - I bought salad things for lunch and now the weather is turning cold so I may yet take a sandwich - will sort that out later. This is the last class for the year and I wonder what craft we will pick up next year - I hope we do - it has been lovely for me. I have quite a collection of beads now - I am rather like a squirrel and keep stashing them away.
Wherever you are in this beautiful world I wish you safety as you travel, peace in your heart and home, laughter and music to comfort you.
Love and hugs,
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