Thursday, October 13, 2011


Abba - Thank you for the music.

Good Afternoon and welcome to a warm Spring day in my little corner of the world on this Thankful Thursday.

I have so much to be thankful for - the music that brings such joy to me and often moves me to tears, and I am thankful for life itself and for my second chance at it.  I promise to never take it for granted.

I have had a busy week this week and I am thankful to have lots of chores done and dusted, music playing, my washing drying in a warm spring breeze, the cat asleep on a chair alongside me, lovely coffee on my desk and a good book to read.

Such basic things - but things which are important to me.   I have received so many lovely gifts over the last few weeks since my birthday.  My handbag holder, my lovely bracelet and yesterday in the mail Donate life wrist bands and badges.    They make me feel special and especially glad to be alive because they are part of the gift of friendship.

Please take a look around you where you are and I am sure you will find something to be thankful for - it may be a sleeping child, dirty dishes which tell us that we are eating well, flowers in a garden or even seeds to plant.

It is my intention next week to plant tomato plants for summer fruit, and that is probably about all I will grow - I am not the gardener in the family - my elder daughter is.

I have been to the Podiatrist this morning and it was lovely to sit there and look out at the lake and see people rowing, sailing and just enjoying life.  The picture below is the view from the seat at the Podiatrist.  

It is a lovely place to visit both summer and winter as the view changes so often. 

I am thankful too for my lovely warm and comfortable bed as I think I will be in there early tonight as I feel very tired and the next two days are full ones too - tomorrow Shopping and then to Flinders to Clinic in the Afternoon and Saturday is the last beading class for the year for Narelle and me - I am looking forward to a day spent learning and enjoying good company and friendship.

Take care wherever you are and whatever you have to do and remember to be thankful for the Music in your life.

Thanks for visiting and reading the "Musings from My Heart"

Love and hugs,

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