Friday, January 7, 2011


The weekend is on it's way for us in Australia and will eventually get to you in the northern hemisphere.

Today has been a slow and quiet day for me and I have enjoyed being inside with air conditioning on as it has been a hot day for this fair city and more is on the way - well that happens in summer.

My other news to share with you is that here in Adelaide the partners of two Liver transplant recipients have tentatively started a group which they have called "Second Chance".

It is for pre and post transplant recipients and their families as a support and sharing and social group.

Part of the letter I received about this says:

"I am looking to organize this as a way of supporting those on waiting list and post transplant to meet and get together and support each other through difficult and stressful times and make new friends with the goals and to keep healthy and have some fun."

I have already made a phone call and left my phone number as a contact for people who want to talk and it is my intention to attend their first function, which will be on February 26th. at a suburban Hotel for lunch.  I will take it from there and see what happens, but it sure is a good way to be able to give something back.

I want to share something else with you - it is a short video that I received in my email this morning and as I believe most of the followers of this Blog are Women - I am sure you will value viewing this.

Wishing you all health and happiness and calm and sweet days - enjoy the weekend, spend time with your families, play with your children, read stories to them , cook with them - those childhood days soon pass and you are making wonderful memories for later days.

Love and hugs,

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