Thursday, February 24, 2011


Welcome to Thankful Thursday - another week just flown by - a good week for me - I am well and have so much to be thankful for.

The little things that irk me and get under my skin pale into insignificance when I look around me at the extreme distress for so many people - and I am thankful for my life - it isn't perfect but it is very close to it.

I give thanks daily for the resilience of the human spirit and the people bounce back from whatever is hurled at them.   Then endure, persist and just carry on.  They care for each other and disasters as we have seen recently bring out the very best in people.  

(Sadly they bring out the worst in some people- and I am thankful that those people found looting in Christchurch have been arrested.  The mentality of those who commit this crime appals  - it is so awful to try to gain from other peoples distress.)

I am thankful for DonorAwareness Week here in Australia and for the amazing stories I am hearing - people sharing their journey with the world - each transplant is a miracle and I am thankful for those Donor families who took part in that miracle.

For my family and extended family, the children who bring smiles and warmth to my life and the friends who care for me each day.  For the phone calls, emails and messages - I am thankful.

I have seen technology at it's very best this week in search and rescue and I am overawed by it all.  The rescue teams (including those beautiful dogs who also risk their lives to try to find people) give me cause to be thankful.

For the little things - a phone call from Darwin from Naomi to let me know she is fine and that as part of her work she had attended a Orientation Week program at Darwin University and that she had been able to view "The Book of Life" at the DonateLife booth and able to share with people my story in that book.   I had hoped to be able to purchase a copy of the very beautiful book, but am advised that it is not going to be available for purchase.  I am thankful that John and Naomi have seen it and hope that the rest of the family have the opportunity to view it.

I am thankful that I have managed the technology of a digital camera and can share images with friends and include a photograph here that I may have shared before (I have it set as my desk top image).  Roses from my garden - the rose is Eiffel Tower - a very fragrant rose.  This was taken during a very rainy Friday.

This photograph was taken before a scorching searing heat could change this to rose crisps.

I am thankful for the friends who share website with me and encourage me in my endeavours.

I hope that you are able to find things to be thankful for and that life for you is  good in your little corner of the world.  I hope the weather is kind to you, you have time to spend with your children and there is time for you to do something to feed your soul - read some of your book, go for a walk, just sit quietly for a little while - it is so easy to become lost in what you have to do that we forget to nurture ourselves.

Be gentle with yourself and thank you for stopping by to read the musings from my heart.

Love and hugs,


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing with us. No matter what life throws at us we should always count our blessings. I feel for those who don't because instead of growing better through their trials they grow bitter! xxxJanis

Linda J. said...

thank you Janis - I count my blessings every day. I heard something that I really liked the other day and it went like this "Everyone dies, but not everyone lives."

Hope you are well.

Love and hugs, Linda.

Aletha said...

Linda each day we should be thankful for what we can do and how words can bring a smile or a frown, sad to say the devastation in Christchurch such a shame so much is going on in Australia lately.