Saturday, February 26, 2011


Welcome to my little corner of the world on a hot and cloudy Saturday morning  - a typical February day in South Australia.  I have the whole day stretching in front of me with nothing scheduled or planned.   

I have already done my grocery shopping and had to drive past Vinnie's Op Shop and that's just the trouble I didn't drive past - I went in and bought a piece of hot pink Satin fabric for the cushion I want to make for my bentwood rocker.

This is an image of a chair similar to the one I am wanting to paint white and put the pink cushion on - too hot to paint at the moment and it needs a little tender loving care before it will be ready to paint.  I plan to sew a white doillie on to the cushion - I hope it all works out well.

Of course three books just jumped into my bag while I was there so I hope to enjoy them and perhaps do some reading this afternoon.  I have lots of things I want to do - letters to write and emails to send, sewing and mending.   Lots of things I can do if I want to do them. Oh the bliss of being able to please myself and do or not do things. 

A busy medical week ahead for me - Dentist on Tuesday and then later in the week chest Xray and Echocardiogram all taking place at Flinders and the following week will be a similar time for me with bloods to be done and another visit to Specialist and Clinic.  This is going to be the ongoing pattern of my life and I accept it with good grace and the sheer joy of just being alive and well.

Tomorrow a girlie afternoon with a movie and an ice cream and that will be lovely.   So that's about the sum total of my weekend plans  - guess compared with some of you it is boring and ordinary - but for me ordinary days are beautiful.  Ordinary day how I ached for you, longed for you and cried for you and now welcome you with open arms.

Boredom is a word that doesn't feature well in my vocabulary - I can always amuse myself (rarely with television) - I find lots of things to do.   I love writing letters and posted 15 this morning to various friends around the country.   Just keep in touch letters and many in reply to Christmas letters I received.  I love email - but there is nothing sweeter or nicer than a letter in the post - a letter from a friend that has been held in their hands and mailed specially to me.  I love receiving letters.  I have been corresponding with a friend in Wellington, New Zealand for over forty years and I cherish each letter from him and writing to him is on my agenda for this afternoon.

I love dropping letters in the box and sending them on their way with love.

It is lunch time for me - so I will sign off now and thank you for taking the time to visit this and read "the musings of my heart."

A sandwich and iced coffee on my menu today - smoked turkey and avocado on rye bread - yum.

Take care and enjoy your weekend - find things to do that bring you joy, spend time with your family and friends and feed your soul.

Love and hugs,

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