Friday, February 18, 2011


Hear we are at fabulous Friday - fabulous because it is another beautiful day to be alive and fabulous because it heralds the weekend ahead.

I know those of you who work full time value beyond belief the weekends - the only real time you have to do jobs that have to be done and the only time for you to socialize and enjoy the company of friends.   Just to do the things that feed my soul brings me joy in these days when I am not under pressure as I have been before.  My days are long and sweet - I give thanks that I have the freedom to be me.

I have the freedom to do things as slowly or as quickly as I want to and find that the days are soon gone - filled with happy hours and lots of things left undone too.  Things I procrastinate about will eventually get done and I have learned not to stress about them.

Today we are seeing some grey skies and rain rain rain - something we sure can use and I am told this is part of the cyclonic effects of Cyclone Dianne which is all set to wreak havoc on our Western Australian Coast. 

We in Adelaide are not due for the strong winds which is a blessing and the rain is forecast to be consistent but not the deluging type.

The forecast weather wise for the weekend is for a few showers and drizzle but I hope it clears for our Fringe Festival here in Adelaide.

read about our Fringe Festival and if you are attending any of the shows I hope the weather is kind because so many events are outdoor events.

I wish you a "Fabulous Friday" and I hope there is lots of sunshine in your shadows today.   

Love and hugs,

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