Wednesday, February 16, 2011

WEDNESDAY AGAIN - my how time flies

Welcome to Wednesday and it is 59 weeks today since my transplant - the time has flown by - but there were difficult weeks and some of them I have no memory of at all.  I really don't have much memory of the last two summers.  Vague recollections of hospitals and feeling ill and of visitors who were struggling with the heat.  Memories of things outside hospital walls are vague too - horrendous bush fires here in Australia and Earthquakes in Haiti - and so many other things happening while I was cocooned away in hospital.

Today I am very aware of everything connected to my life and feel very blessed to share some of it with you.  I am very aware of events happening within Australia and also overseas.  

This summer has seen Australia suffer immense damage from floods/fires and cyclones and it isn't over yet.   Darwin is on cyclone watch as I write, and there is the possibility of a cyclone forming over Western Australia too.

There is such a lot of material damage caused and such a lot to be done to clean up, rebuild and restore but it is the emotional damage done to people that worries me - after the adrenalin rush of having to evacuate, stay safe etc. there are people for whom the clean up is overwhelming and brings other issues to the front.  There are many with broken hearts as well as broken homes and lives.
Oh for the wings of an angel to bring peace and healing to them.

A quiet day for me - I was going shopping but checked the freezer and pantry and I don't have to go I have all that I need here.  Friends for dinner tonight - discussion, debate and crossword puzzles.  The crossword puzzles are to keep the minds of three "older" people alert and bright - I hope it works.

Life is good for me and I am hoping to attend a rose planting ceremony next Sunday in gardens nearby to celebrate the start of Donate Life Week in Australia. 

There are several functions on during this week and information for our Australian friends can be obtained at this link:

and once again I encourage you all to "have that conversation with family and friends" so that they know your wishes and to register on line at the Medicare site:

To my overseas friends - check out your position in your own State and pass the word around.

I am alive and well thanks to a wonderful man and his family who took the steps to ensure that his wishes were carried out.

It is warm today in Adelaide but not the intense blistering heat that no-one can really cope with well, and for that I am thankful.

My friend Mary is at home on her mountain again, but missing Narelle and I wish for her calm and peaceful days.   Hopefully she will be back to visit again in the reasonably near future.

So that's where I am at on this Wednesday morning - at home and at home with myself.

Take care of yourselves and of each other - be kinder than you have to be.
Everyone is carrying a burden of some kind.

Love and hugs,

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