Friday, March 11, 2011


Hello and welcome to Friday on my mind - a busy day for me and I am later here than normal.  An early start to take younger daughter to her Office with all her luggage for a trip to Sydney.  She will catch a cab to the Airport following a morning meeting.   In fact she should be in the air now.

I have been out in the car and taken bags of goodies to "Vinnie's and of course come home with some things.  Lovely basket and letter rack to spray paint white, some doilies and a picture frame.  I will have fun with those over the weekend.

Then off to mortgage my soul by putting petrol in the tank of my car - wow that was an expensive visit.  I then called at the Post Office and got some things away to friends and some more stamps which I always keep in my purse.

Home to do a crossword puzzle/two have lunch and then in a little while it will be get ready time for the visit to Flinders - Specialist appointment 3.45..p.m which makes it a late trip home and the usual frenetic Friday traffic.

I should get results of several tests today and am hoping they are all going well.   I try so hard not to get "twitchy" before these appointments but I do - I think it is because I feel well because when I felt so ill I was more than glad to go there, no matter how many times a month.

I am going to talk to my specialist about my sleep patterns because I have been having such dreadful nights and I think that last night was the worst I have had.  Turned light off at 10.00.p.m. - and still awake at 1.00.a.m   Got up and had warm drink and went back to bed, read a while and then listened to radio and mus have fallen asleep between 4. and 5 a.m. and had to get up at 6.00 to take Naomi - so not much rest there.

Today is a beautiful day here in Adelaide with blue sky and no wind.  Sun is shining and although tired, there is a song in my heart.  I give thanks daily for the foresight of my donor when he made the decision to donate his organs and for his family for making sure his wishes were carried out.

I received this picture in my mail recently and share it with you and I feel it very clearly gets the point across about organ donation:

I think you will see lots more of this picture around as it will be used to promote organ donor awareness.

Time for me to shower and get ready for my big appointment - will try to check in this evening with an update for you all.

Thank you all for your love and support and for following "The Musings of My Heart."

Love and hugs,

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