Thursday, March 1, 2012


Welcome to my lovely cool world on this first official day of Autumn ~ it is a special day - first of Autumn, St. David's Day and my friend Josephine's birthday.   Happy Birthday Jo. 

I don't know what happened to Wednesday apart from it was filled with lots of happenings ~ we had coffee with our younger daughter in the morning and that was delightful and the afternoon just went in a blur - out to dinner last night and all this done with constant steady rain.  The rain was truly lovely - no wind just rain rain rain and I could almost hear the trees and gardens sighing with relief.

It will come as no surprise to you to know that as I came home to open the gates I found a puddle, took off my sandals and splashed in the puddle and danced in the rain. ( much to the amusement of neighbours watching.)   I am delighted to be at the stage of my life where it doesn't worry me if they think I am crazy (well I probably am) but the sheer joy of just being alive and well is sometimes overwhelming and dancing in the rain sure is beautiful.   Try it sometime.

It is so very true in this life that whilst we are in the midst of joy we are also in the midst of sorrow  and our friend Kristy isn't doing very well at all, so please call on whatever deity you espouse for comfort for her ~ send love and light and healing her way.    Thank you.

I have spent a lot of time on the computer this morning, blogging and writing and I feel I have achieved much in spite of the dishes still waiting they will be there later and will get done.

Today is St. David's Day and my Welsh Heritage comes out loud and strong and I happily and proudly  wave the Welsh Flag and play the music of minstrels.   I have the Welsh Dragon sticker on my car and a Welsh flag on my desk ~ I am proud of the poets and minstrels of Wales.   I would encourage all of you to espouse the countries whose blood runs in your veins and be proud.

Be it the skirl of the bagpipes that moves your soul, the wearing of the green, the Tarantella or Souvlaki - whatever the music, culture, epicurean delights, poetry, philosophy or language - embrace it, nurture it and share it ~ it is part of who you are and what makes you YOU.

I have listened to much Welsh Music this morning, wiped tears from my eyes, looked at beautiful images of my beloved daffodils and am proud of who I am and the journey that has brought me here.

Today is still beautifully cool and I am off to get on and enjoy the day with all that it holds for me.

Today I am thankful for life itself, for love to warm me, for music, for laughter and so many things. 

Thank you for visiting the Musings of My Heart ~ today a proud Welsh heart.

Love and hugs,

Music with this page is the Welsh Tune "The Minstrel Boy."

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