Thursday, January 8, 2015


Good morning on Thursday - welcome to my Musings and I wish to take this opportunity to offer my love and care to the French people as they are coming to terms with events in Paris.   It seems that Terrorism is with us all over the world and all we can do it to be strong, take courage and keep on going.  Don't let your fears stop you because if you do - they have the victory.

Today in my fair city is very humid and stormy - we have had lots of seasons in the last 24 hours - we have had thunder, lightening, heavy rain and hail and in some places very strong winds.   The fires are out apart from the ones started by the lightening but the situation is much safer that is has been over the last week.

My Northern Hemisphere friends are in my thoughts as they cope with snow storms and very cold weather, school closures, and difficulty on the roads.   We are under flood watch in many areas of South Australia - so it will be interesting to see what Mother Nature has in store for us.

I am not a summer girl but I am also not sure that I would like the extreme cold that my overseas friends endure.  A snowy few days and a White Christmas would be nice, but I have seen the mess when it starts to thaw and the danger when it thaws and re-freezes.

The perimeter of our main fire is 240 kms but we are assured that they have it contained and I am thankful for all those who have given so much of themselves and their time to help fight these fires.

It is lovely to have the windows open and fresh air flowing through instead of being shut in with air conditioning on - I am blessed indeed to have air conditioning and roller shutters to block out the fierce sun.    I am blessed in so many ways - roof over my head and food on my table to share with family and friends.  I am blessed with health and although slower than I used to be I am still moving and living and enjoying life.

I hope wherever you are in this beautiful world that life is sweet for you and that you have the courage, faith and strength to see the journey through.

I send love and hugs your way and encourage you to be present to the moment and to enjoy it all.

Thank you for visiting the Musings of my Heart,  Tread softly on our earth and walk safely through the mists. 

Love and hugs,

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