Monday, January 19, 2015


Good Morning and welcome to Monday in my little corner of the world - a much quieter day than the last two have been.   My last two days have been filled with food and family.    Saturday I was cooking and Sunday we celebrated a special birthday with a special family member.   

The Barbeque was delicious and the company delightful - lots (in fact too much) very nice food and a lovely birthday cake made especially by Alexis.

Caramelized walnut and coffee cake.

The weather was very kind - a lovely day with sunshine and gentle breezes and very mild and it was lovely to sit outside, enjoy the food and company and listen to music.

It is certainly true that music evokes memory of people and places - take yourself back and hear a song you sang to your children when they were small - instantly you are back there holding their hand and comforting them.  They are small again and need you.  A gentle lullaby can almost take me back to the days when I rocked the cradle and smelled that sweet and warm baby smell.

The songs of our teen years take us back to carefree days when life was just about days in the sun and social times and then there are pieces of music that don't belong to just "you" they belong to  "us" - sweet romantic music that takes us to days when the air was sweet with the heady smell of romance and love was in the air.

Play the songs from your wedding and suddenly you are the quivering, shaking bride taking strides into a new life.  Then there are the songs that wherever played instantly transport you to another place, another time and you can look across the room and know that other person is transported there too.

Classical guitar music takes me back to hospital and Music as Therapy and a beautiful young lady playing outside my hospital room. 

There are songs I sang to my little ones that are rarely played now and I often wonder if the girls remember them - I am afraid to ask if they do because I know I shall be disappointed and sad if they don't.

Save all your kisses for me
Brotherhood of Man

I know they didn't save all their kisses for me - but this takes me back to very happy days.

A Daisy a Day
Jud Strunk

I cannot see daisies without hearing or even singing this song.

It has been a lovely weekend and it was lovely to spend time with my grown kids and hear the things they have been doing and the music that thrills their souls.   Music plays an important part in our lives and I hope it does in yours too.

I hope your weekend was filled with happy hours and happy music too and that music thrills your soul as you venture forth into another week.

Thank you for visiting the Musings of My Heart - sing your way through this week and enjoy each moment.

Love and hugs, 

1 comment:

Margee said...

Dear Linda,
I love music. I'll go to the links and listen.
Thanks for sharing your life with us.