Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Good afternoon - just a quick post to tell you about the challenges of my day.
I decided to take care of me and stay in bed a while and read.

When I got up and got to my desk and checked my Diary I found I was due at the Hairdresser in three quarters of an hour.  

Turned the kettle off, rushed to dress and get under way - I then got caught in School Traffic and as I sat waiting for my turn to go, my blog of yesterday came to mind and I was right in one of those situations where it would have been so easy to become frazzled - but I didn't sweat the small stuff.  

I was marginally late and surprisingly - the world did not go into a holding pattern - the girls made me coffee and all was well.

I have been chasing my tail all day trying to catch up and the irony of yesterday's blog was not lost on me.   It made me smile.   Lots of jobs I should have done today will get done tomorrow and all will be well.

Thanks for visiting the Musings of my Heart and I hope the events of my day bring a smile to you.

Love and hugs,

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