Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Good Morning from a beautiful Wednesday morning in Adelaide where the sky is blue and clear and a gentle breeze is wafting around.  My elderly cat is sitting in the sun and washing after her breakfast and I am sitting here with a cup of Earl Grey tea - life is good. 

It is Wednesday and Wednesdays hold a special place for me - my surgery for transplant took place on a Wednesday and each week Wednesday is another milestone for me.  I greet Wednesdays with a smile.  

All of the above suggestions for how to have a happy day are excellent and can be adopted easily and will certainly contribute to your day being a happy one.
It is up to you how happy or unhappy your day is - your attitude to the day has much to do with the tone and mood of the day.

Smiling at strangers is an easy thing to do and very often it may be the only contact that the person has - many live alone and crave human contact and a smile from you may make all the difference to their day and life.

Slow down - and it doesn't mean just in traffic - it means with the whole concept of your life - stop, take some deep breaths and look around you - if you don't slow down there is much that you will miss. 

Please and Thank you words that are small and effortless but make such a difference to life in this busy world - if someone moves over and lets you into traffic - acknowledge that with a wave of thank you and you can pay it forward further in your journey by letting someone in to your lane of traffic.   Manners are so special and should be taught from the word go - respect and appreciation is so very important.

Give lots of compliments - if you think someone looks nice - tell them - admire a hairdo, a handbag, the way a colour looks on someone - compliments are very special and will not only make someones day but it will certainly put a positive tone on your day.

Dress nicely and wear perfume - oh yes indeed !   There are some days when I don't go out at all and dress as though I am going to the Office and always wear perfume at home and out and about - and I will often compliment someone when their fragrance meets me.    I love this idea of how to have a lovely day - I really love perfume and fragrance.

Observe and listen - 

listen and sometimes the best thing you can do it not respond or reply  - just the fact that someone is heard is so often enough for them to have a good day.

Be charming - I have no doubt you can all be charming and putting aside your worries and cares will allow you to be your charming self and brighten not only your day but the day of those people you encounter on your way through your day.

Laugh - at funny comments, at yourself, and with those around you - laughter is good for your health and good for the health of our communities and our world.

Share your laughter with adults and children alike - laugh til it hurts - make it a good and hearty chuckle - it is a very good form of medicine and if it doesn't seem to be working - then double the dose. 

Take care of yourself and be safe as you are out and about in our world - and follow some of these guidelines and you are sure to have a lovely day.

Thank you for visiting the Musings of My Heart and I wish you all a very lovely day - remember it is up to you how you day goes.   Talk to someone and have coffee with a friend and just enjoy your lovely day.

Love and hugs,

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