Friday, February 27, 2015


Good afternoon from a hot Adelaide where the sky is clouding over and a cooler change is on the way - it is calm and no winds are blowing.

We had dinner out last night and there were four children and it was lovely to watch them and to see the good job that their parents are doing in raising them.
It was fun to watch them try to teach the "oldies" games with their fingers and to hear their laughter.   Silliness indeed does make your soul smile.

Play is such an important part of life and it delights me to see young and old playing together in many ways.    I have enjoyed watching a very young one try to teach John how to play a game on the iPad and I watched another little guy trying to teach John to play finger games last night.  

Grace, Henry and I have played blowing bubbles, building cubby houses and painting finger nails.

It is the time we spend with the children in our lives not the amount of money spent on them - the fun times, the play and the conversation.

Be funny, be silly and have fun - both with the children and with the adults in your life - be a little silly and let your soul smile.

Thank you for visiting the Musings of my Heart and for sharing the silliness in life and I hope there are funny things about for you in your lovely day.

Love and hugs,

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