Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Good Morning and welcome to Tuesday.

A grey and overcast day here, but still some lovely leaves hanging on the trees and such fun to walk through on the ground.

Today I am back in the regime of tests etc. Had blood tests this morning the results of which will go straight through to the Liver team at Flinders ready for my appointment on Friday.

Tomorrow I am off to see the Dermatology unit. I have had almost four glorious weeks without tests of any sort apart from a consult. with my G.P. for the results of Pap Smear and Mammogram and both were clear. Big smile here.

"Kind words are jewels that live in
the heart and soul and remain as
blessed memories years after they
have been spoken."

Marvea Johnson

Take care and be safe.

1 comment:

Stina said...

Afternoon, sunshine! I got your email and did some searching and your Christmas Tree is now happily installed in your sidebar. *hugs*