Monday, September 27, 2010

Welcome to Monday - another week and a nice day here in Adelaide.  Sun shining and again we have the promise of showers, but from the look of my sky - I doubt that will happen.

School holidays here and Grace and Henry are spending time in Adelaide with Grandpa - both have dental appointments today  so it's not all fun. 
As normal for their City visits that little family is on the run trying to fit so much into a few days, but this time they are hoping to have fun.  We may all go out to breakfast on Wednesday - which will be lovely.

I have a busy week this week - Dentist tomorrow, Podiatrist on Wednesday and hairdresser on Thursday, but it is great to feel well enough to cope with all of those things and a breakfast out too.

I started to do some knitting - had this brilliant idea that I would knit little "cupcakes" with a Christmas theme and display them on a Cup Cake stand, but having knitted one I realize that they are not quite "me".  I will have to find something else to knit or crochet.   Trouble is I don't sit still for long enough any more in the evenings and most nights I am in bed very early.  

I did manage to watch some television last night in bed, without falling asleep so that's a good thing.  A little while ago I found three DVDs that I haven't watched yet.  I forgot about them.  What I need is a rainy afternoon with no appointments and then I can settle in for a session.

Chaos at Australian Airports yesterday with the computer crash of one of the airline systems - and this chaos is running over into today and there are lots of people stranded who should be home for work this morning.  Alexis flew with a different Airline so she was okay - and I guess Naomi is hoping it is all cleared up by Friday.  They are driving back to Adelaide with Alexis parents.

No word from London so am using the old adage -"no news is good news."
I hope they are having a great time.

I can hardly believe that next weekend is the Labour Day weekend here in Australia and the last Public Holiday before Christmas - where has the year gone?  I guess I slept the first quarter of it away in hospital and then spent a few more months gaining strength and health. Those appointments always keep me busy too - I keep a Diary and Heaven help me were I to ever lose it.

Have a wonderful day - I wish you the joy of laughter and friendship, a clear and peaceful mind and the knowledge that you are loved.

Love and hugs,

"The first rule is to keep an untroubled spirit. The second is to look things in the face and know them for what they are."


Anonymous said...

Maybe it is time to look at all those counted cross stitch patterns!
Go St Kilda!

Linda J. said...

I have thought about that Relle - and maybe I will do just that. I have to find it though. hehehe !
Yep indeed Go the Saints - hope they come marching in.
Love and hugs,
Linda. xxxx

Diane said...

Beautiful day here also Linda, sunny and a little cool high in the 60s.
Have a great day as well.

Hug Diane