Saturday, November 20, 2010


It is warm in Adelaide today but without wind and it is really a lovely day - a Saturday with a break in routine and I have spent it rather pleasantly.

Rose early and did laundry and got that out into the warm breeze then took off to do some shopping (just groceries this time) and then home to breakfast and some beautiful music.

I have really just pottered all day doing bits and pieces and working on my computer tidying up and sorting files.  I have put some energy into my Christmas Blog and loved doing that.

Had lovely sandwiches and coffee for lunch while I watched the final episode of "Luther" which I recorded last night.

I am off out to dinner with friends tonight - a girls night out but it shouldn't be late - nice to get out and about but lovely to come home and snuggle up in my own little bed.

I hope that when the weekend arrives for you that you can find some ways to feed your soul - listen to some music, take a drive into the country, visit a garden centre, go out for coffee or tea.  Spend time with those you love and be sure they know you love them.

To the Aussies who are well into their weekend - enjoy it all - the warmth and the sunshine.

Five weeks today and Christmas will be well and truly underway - I can't wait.

Love and hugs,

Andy Rooney

One of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in the living room on Christmas day. Don't clean it up too quickly.

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