Thursday, December 16, 2010

Hello there - this beautiful star sits on top of my Memory and Friendship tree.  It is a new one - bought yesterday in memory of and as a tribute to the man to whom I owe my life - My Donor.  It takes pride of place because I am proud of him and his family who were strong enough to make the decision which gave me life.

I had an interesting time today - it was the Christmas celebration of the Transplant Unit at Flinders Medical Centre and we all enjoyed a lovely barbeque and salads and lots of yummy sweet things.

It was a joy for me to be well enough to attend and to meet with other organ recipients and to share news and stories of their journeys.  Lots of different stories but underneath an underlying gratitude to the person whose organ we received.

It was lovely to catch up with Nursing and Medical staff and for them to see how well I am - there was laughter and tears.  I caught up with lots of people and it was good for all of us.

Tonight I have been shopping and the only things I have left to get for Christmas are the cheeses and fresh fruit and vegetables.  Everything else is bought, wrapped or put away.

On this Thankful Thursday I really do have so much to be thankful for.

For being well enough to attend the luncheon and for a man who doesn't like social functions where he doesn't know people but was willing to be there to support me.

For Doctors whose skill and expertise is helping him deal with arthritis.

For family and friends who love me and allow me to be me.  They support me and at times must just shake their heads, but give me their blessing in the things I do or plan to do.

For the opportunity to attend my work Christmas luncheon tomorrow - a time to catch up with people and share the joy of this wonderful season.

I have so much in my life and I am thankful.

As the final days before Christmas become even busier - please take some moments to spend with someone you love, talk with someone - share music and laughter,  Give someone a hug, check out if they are okay.

There are so many gifts we can give not only at Christmas time but all year round.  Be sure you give yours.

Christmas gift suggestions:

To your enemy, forgiveness.
To an opponent, tolerance.
To a friend, your heart.
To a customer, service.
To all, charity.
To every child, a good example.
To yourself, respect.”

Goodnight everyone - be safe and happy.

Love and hugs,

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