Friday, January 21, 2011


Here we are at Friday and almost the weekend again - however you are going to spend it I hope that it is a good time for you.  Stay safe on the roads and find laughter and fun with your families.

Today is cooler in Adelaide and there is a cool breeze blowing - a really nice day and I am taking it easy after a very restless and troubled night.

Sleep just was not my companion and I was up and down, reading, and then checking email and then trying to sleep again.   I finally did get out of bed an hour later than I would normally do and now that it is the middle of the afternoon I am starting to wilt.  I shall try not to sleep this afternoon as that could interfere with a good sleep tonight.

Cricket is on the television and I will not be watching that because for sure that would send me off to sleep.  

Time for my lawns to be cut again as they have grown so much with the warmth after a full day of rain - I love the smell of newly cut grass.  It seems to remind me of my childhood and long summer days without a care in the world.  Indeed it was a lifetime ago.

My friend Vicki who is struggling and fighting breast cancer has had a fall and broken her ankle which meant surgery to insert pins and a metal plate.  Poor darling could have done without that.  She is being transferred to Bethlehem Hospital in Melbourne so that they can work on pain management.  I wish for her a journey by ambulance that is straightforward and without pain or discomfort.

I sent her these boxing gloves in an email and told her to keep fighting.  I call her My Warrior Princess.

I was trying to bring a smile to very troubled lips.  Life is very difficult for her husband Pete and daughter Mallory (who is expecting her first baby - a girl) so I continue to hold them close in heart and thought.

I received a lovely letter in the mail today from my Donor's wife telling me lots of things about him and I shall cherish the letter as I can tell how hard it was for her to write.  She had some help from close neighbours and I now know interesting things about this man whose generosity gave me the gift of life.

Have a wonderful Friday and anticipate lots of good things for your weekend.

Love and hugs,

1 comment:

Aletha said...

what a wonderful blog and I wish you friend well and will say a prayer for her