Tuesday, September 13, 2011


"You can't help respecting anybody who can spell TUESDAY, even if he doesn't spell it right; but spelling isn't everything. There are days when spelling Tuesday simply doesn't count."

Winnie the Pooh to Rabbit
 The House at Pooh Corner

Winnie The Pooh Theme

Welcome to Ruby Tuesday and even Pooh Bear has something to say about Tuesdays - and truly there are days when spelling doesn't count, when nothing really counts except the pure joy of living.  I hope you are at the stage of your life when you realize that there are so many things that don't add anything to your life and don't count at all - let them go and enjoy the things that bring you joy.

Enjoy your Tuesday when it arrives for you (or you are ready to face your day) Tuesday is a special day - but then so is each day.

A very crisp spring morning in my lovely city today and the day holds the promise of sunshine.   I was blessed this morning to be awake to see the full moon set and the sun rise - both equally beautiful in their own way.

The longer days and more sunshine is lovely and has served to remind me that I have big pots to get ready for planting of my tomatoes - I grew a lovely plant last year called "Pink Pearl" and by purchasing those plants funds were raised for Breast Cancer Research.  I did well with my plant last year and will try to buy the same variety as the flavour was lovely and it is a smallish plant and easy to maintain in a pot.  As you know I am not a keen gardener, but do like to grow a few things to eat.  I try hard to grow herbs and my parsley is doing well and my spinach is lovely (sweet small leaves suitable for cooking and salads.)

I really like gardening in pots - easy to weed and can be moved around if the location is not suitable - I was able to move my tomato to a cooler spot during last summer's heat.

Pooh Bear and the tales from the 100 Acre Wood are full of pearls of wisdom and I enjoy them very much - even though I no longer have little ones to share these stories with I still look at them and recall earlier days.  I love children's books and this year I was able to give Henry books for his birthday that he just loves - a nice feeling when you choose books for a child and they are enjoyed.  (I did have some help from his Mum - thank you Melinda).

I must confess that I often buy children's books if they take appeal to me and try to find the right child to gift the book to.

A couple of Christmases ago I gave Henry - "Where the Wild Things Are" - a book loved by my girls and I actually bought myself a replacement copy.

I have lots of favourites - among them "The very Hungry Caterpillar" - and I am sharing a  picture of a lovely birthday cake which I love.

Have a wonderful day and enjoy time with books and time in your own "Hundred Acre Wood" take time to nurture and nourish your soul - find a child to read a book with, watch a movie with and to laugh with.  Be silly sometime and laugh at yourself.

Have a wonderful day - I plan on finding a spot out of the wind and with some sunshine, taking my book and my coffee and going off into my own "Hundred Acre Wood".

Love and hugs,

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