Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Enya - Hope Has a Place.

"Under the heavens, we journey far
On roads of life, we're the wanderers
So let love rise, so let love depart
Let hope have a place in the lover's heart
Hope has a place in a lover's heart"

Good Morning from Adelaide - a clear blue sky and a very warm day forecast - a taste of what is to come.
I can cope with the hot days but really like it when it cools in the evening.   Tomorrow we are forecast rain  - oh the joys of an Adelaide spring.   It is all part of life and the journey we take.

I started this post early this morning and had to leave it and by now it is very very warm with a north wind blowing and buffeting everything around.

I have been to visit my friend Jenny who is currently waiting for a hip replacement operation and it was a joy to drink coffee, eat chocolate biscuits and just talk.   We discussed lots of things and played with the beads Jenny has - it was a lovely morning.   Her journey is tough right now as she is in constant pain and is not sleeping well at all.  Every moment is agony for her and it is distressing to see her having to use a walking frame  - I hope your surgery comes through soon.

Every one's journey is different and there are snags and boulders on each road - some small and some much larger - we often have to take a detour or take some time out for "repairs" but it is lovely to know that all along our journey there are people there to helps us on our way.    Maybe it is just a kind word or deed, maybe it is guidance and advice, and maybe it is just some time spent with those who need us.

Wherever you are on your journey I hope there is sunshine and kindness, gentle thoughts and kindness to help make traveling sweet.

Everyone is on a journey and random acts of kindness really do help us all on the way.

Thanks for taking time out of your journey to visit "The Musings from My Heart"


Love and hugs,

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