Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Enya - "How Can I Keep From Singing"

Good Morning and welcome to Wednesday in my little corner of the world - I have been up long enough to see the dawn and sunrise which was beautiful this morning, the local bird choir was in full song and I was serenaded into my morning.  A clear sky and sunshine promises me a lovely day - forecast is for rain tomorrow though.

Listening to the birds sing this morning reminded me of this quote "Birds sing after a storm why shouldn't we?"
and with all that is happening in my life - How can I keep from singing.

I survived a liver transplant and a very nasty time with Stevens Johnson - I survived the storm and with the birds "How Can I keep from Singing?"

some lyrics from this song:

"While though the tempest loudly roars,
I hear the truth, it liveth.
And though the darkness 'round me close,
songs in the night it giveth.
No storm can shake my inmost calm,
while to that rock I'm clinging.
Since love is lord of heaven and earth
how can I keep from singing?"

My group which has grown from a tiny seed to something very special is bringing people together to share their Liver 
experiences, and to form a supportive group with such common ground.
"Build it and they will Come"  how true those words.
I have been actively encouraged and am richly blessed to have the support of a relatively new transplant recipient in 
Joseph LaPera from Pennsylvania and it is great to work with him.

I am really enjoying my growing knowledge base provided by so many people sharing their experiences.

If you are a liver transplant recipient, are waiting for a transplant or the friend or family member of someone in 
those categories - consider joining us.

Today our country will settle back into routine after the Melbourne Cup - won by a French horse (not the favourite)
and Melbourne was blessed with a sunshine day.

 Dunaden winning the 2011 Melbourne Cup.

I guess there are lots of people with sore heads from celebrating a win - the race brings an atmosphere with many workplace functions and lunches being held everywhere.

The next big event in Adelaide will be the arrival of Father Christmas in our Christmas Pageant on November 12th. - 10 more sleeps until Santa arrives.

Our Christmas Pageant is a wonderful Parade through our Central Business District culminating with the arrival of Santa Claus and the Queen of the Pageant.

There is lots of information at this site - I hope you enjoy a visit there and it is a very long time since I sat on the footpath and waited for hours for the Parade to start - I don't have little ones to take along, but will be sure to watch the event on television.  Growing old is mandatory but growing up is optional and I am a big kid at heart.

I hope your day/evening is wonderful and that you are able to find joy in the little things and that you are able to sing .
Thanks for visiting the Musings of My Heart.

Love and hugs,

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