Good Morning to you all - and welcome to Wonderful Wednesday - @102 weeks for me post transplant and it most certainly is "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year." And it's official - Even Santa likes Pink - pink is not a colour it is an attitude. and I have got a big dose of "pink attitude" right now. Most of the things I like are pink (purple comes second in the colour race) and this year my colour decor is Pink and Purple and I am loving it.
Today the sun is shining and the sky is blue, birds are singing and I have hot steaming coffee on my desk while I spend time with you. I have my special Christmas mug - the only concession I make this year to true traditional greens and reds for Christmas - this cup is very special to me and I use it each day of the Advent Season for my breakfast and morning coffee.
As for the rest of the decor - table cloths are purple, with pink organza runners - white crockery and purple and pink napkins and accessories. If you are one of the guys dining with me this Christmas day it is a certainty that your place setting will have purple and girls will have pink. My wrapping papers are purple and pink and there are shiny pink and matt pink decorations hanging in this room. My main Christmas tree is a mass of purple and pink decorations and I have a new outfit for the day (well I have two - yes - pink and purple to choose from.)
We are going to be blessed it seems with a very beautiful Christmas day with a temperature of 27 degrees (which is about 80 degrees F.) so it will be perfect - there is a chance of light showers and increasing cloud but 27 will do me just fine.
I have spent many hours decorating and making things and loved every moment of it and I know my family will be happy because I am happy - some of them share my passion and others - well not quite so much. I do have friends whose home is gathering momentum as is mine - I haven't quite got to the Santa hats on the headboard of the bed yet, but I do know of one bedroom where that has happened and where Christmas bed linen graces the bed. That's a lovely idea and I shall be dressing my bed with my gold and burgundy linen. Christmas lives in even the bathroom in this house with tinsel over the mirror and a lovely green tree decorated in gold.
Life for me, is, as you can tell very sweet - I am so blessed to be alive and well and enjoying all the anticipation of a special time of year. 102 weeks - where has it gone? I recall being exactly one week post transplant and one of the hospital staff (Alan) standing at the foot of my bed and singing "Happy One Week Birthday to you" - there are lots of sweet memories tucked away and they come to the surface often (sadly so too do some of the not so nice ones.)
To those of you who struggle at this time of year for whatever reason - my love and prayers are with you - it is The Most Wonderful Time of the Year, but sometimes there are things that cloud the view for us. I have people I miss so very much all year, but of course I miss them more at Christmas time. Many families will be spending a different kind of Christmas because of the illness of a loved one. It is my prayer and fervent hope that there are many "special Christmas gifts" this year and that some of my friends in the "waiting place" will receive the gift of life with a transplanted organ.
Wherever you are, however you spend Christmas - enjoy the planning, plotting, shopping, cooking and special times with the children of your hearts. Let's try to make the spirit of Christmas live on throughout the entire year.
I have been doing some thinking about my word for the year for 2012 - my word for 2011 was "attitude" and it has served me very well. If I am to do this alphabetically my choice should begin with the letter "B" but I am thinking I will choose my word randomly and I will let you know when that choice is made. I have many in mind and to choose one for a whole year is a tough call - but I am equal to that task. If I were to choose alphabetically - I am going to be quite an "old girl" when I get to the letter "Z" so I think a random choice will better for me.
That's about it from me for today - but using my 2011 word of the year - I exercise my attitude of gratitude and thank you for visiting the Musings of a tinsel filled heart and my attitude to my family and friends is good and positive - I love you all. You could almost say I am "in the pink" and "I am tickled pink" about that.
Much love and hugs,
1 comment:
oooh, great idea! Doubtful I would ever get my family on board with a pink and purple Christmas but it is nice to think about!
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