Monday, January 30, 2012


Welcome to Monday where, in my little corner of the world we are having a cool change and there are cool breezes and showers.   I was sitting typing and suddenly smelled that beautiful rain on warm earth smell and we were blessed with soft refreshing rain.   To me there are several things that are the best part of summer and cool changes tops the list,

The other things I like about summer are the long light evenings, ice cold drinks, beautiful fruit and salads and the lovely smell of washing dried in the sun and towels all fluffy from the wind.

It amazes me how people talk about the weather - at the Post Office this morning everyone seemed to be chatting about the change - we haven't had much rain ~ just enough to "settle the dust."

Our School children returned to school today after the long summer break - they have been on holidays since mid December and I am sure most of the Mothers will agree with me that it is time they went back and got into routine.    I used to love the holidays when the children were home ~ days with a lack of routine and no lunches to pack.  Lots of children will have been away on holidays as this is the time of year when working parents often take their holidays to spend with the children.  I am always very cautious on the roads when new little ones start school and the older ones in their excitement often forget the road rules.   I have a friend whose seven year old son did just that and lost his life in 1976.  Toby would have been 42 now and this return to school day is always tinged with sadness for me.

Grace was excited about School and Henry will have two full days at Kindergarten and travel on the School bus with his sister - they are so young to travel on the bus - Henry often falls asleep on the way home.  The bus has a designated route and Henry and Grace are the first pick up in the morning from the road near the farm and the last drop off at night.  Long days, but that is the life of country kids.

The years pass so quickly and to me it seems only a little while ago that I was making Library bags and reader covers for my girls and they were the little ones off to school.  They are both still involved in Educational Institutions - Rebecca working on campus at Flinders University and Naomi still studying  and doing very well.

The University nursing school is of course connected to Flinders Medical Centre and lots of "my" nurses were Flinders trained.   Rebecca, Naomi and Nick studied at Flinders and Alexis at Adelaide University which is in the heart of our City.

Both are wonderful establishments and Halls of Learning - different - Adelaide is older and the architecture is different but both are held in very high regard all around the world and we are host to students from many countries.  After the Earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand early last year, we accepted many students from there while their own campus was under repair.

I hope that your weekend has been a good one and that you were able to spend it with those you love and for those of you who have been unwell  or "out of sorts" I hope that the coming week brings better days for you  and that any pain is soon just a memory.  I hope that you were cared for well by those who love you.  Big healing hugs to you all.

I have been thinking of my Northern Hemisphere friends and how cold it is for them - being sick in the cold is preferable to being sick in the hot weather - snuggling down in bed is lovely in winter and I am looking forward to my bed tonight.  Looking forward to pulling the quilt up instead of just the sheet.

Thank you for visiting the Musings of My heart on a day when thoughts are deep, but also a day when I rejoice in memories and feelings, a day when I am thinking of those who will not be coming back into my life and who I miss.  I celebrate absence too - knowing that there are those who are only gone for a short time and will be back again very soon to share laughter, music and love with me.

A thoughtful heart today when I relish the cool breezes and soft refreshing rain.

Love and hugs,

1 comment:

Joseph said...

I love the "new" you!