Saturday, May 12, 2012


Today is Saturday for me and I haven't been here since Tuesday ~ the wonderful piece of machinery that allows me access to the Internet, email, Facebook, web cam and Google decided to be difficult and has spent most of the week in with the repair man - it is working again and everything is in hand for me to have and work with a new computer.

It is a strange feeling - almost that I have been detached from my life support system and I found it difficult.   I was able to access things from the home of a friend and special phone calls and text messages made it much easier to bear.

The time away gave me cause to think about why I blog and how it started.  It started when I had not long come out of hospital and there were lots of people wanting to know how I was doing, so I chose to blog to keep everyone in the loop and then it became a place for joy and thanksgiving for my life.
It has moved to be a general musing on how life is treating me and how I am feeling and I am happy to be back and not to have forgotten the source.

It is good to be reminded of how far I have come ~ there are less and less medical reports in my posts and more and more of the joy I find in my life.  The discoveries I have been able to make and share with you all.

Life is indeed good for me - my health is so much better and I live with a thankful heart ~ not only for my health but for the continuing health and strength of other transplant recipients.   I wonder and marvel at the skill and knowledge that allows this sort of surgery to go ahead and am astounded at the difference in the quality of life for so many people.  There are many thankful hearts all around the world.

I am having trouble believing how quickly this year is passing - tomorrow is Mother's Day and here we are in the middle of May and summer gardens are getting ready to bloom in the northern hemisphere and down in the south we are dealing with much cooler temperatures, falling leaves and grey skies.

My daffodils have been in for a week now and I wonder how cold it is in the soil and I look forward with great anticipation to seeing the first green shoots making their way up and then on to blooming.

The mail this week has brought me letters, cards and books and all of these things are a wonderful reminder of the love and affection of friends.

I have been stepping out of my comfort zone and doing things which are a challenge to me, but I do them with loving support and am managing quite well.

There has been much sickness around and I wish you all a speedy recovery and bright and happy days.   I hope that even if your days are challenging and pain filled - that they serve to remind you that you are indeed alive to feel the pain.

Life is beautiful and we live in a beautiful world - so no matter where you go or where your stream travels be sure not to forget the source and go back to your roots and enjoy it all.

Thank you for visiting the Musings of My Heart - today a heart that is filled with wonder at the pure joy of living.

Love and hugs,

1 comment:

Joseph said...

I enjoyed your musings for today. You have come far, and you will continue to enjoy all the things life holds for you. You are continuing to just go out and "take it by the (well, I leave that word out for now)." Very good for you. And we are all glad you are back on tract in terms of working technologies.