Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Good evening and welcome to another winter evening - today has been a day of many variations on the weather.   When I woke this morning the sky was a steel grey, there was no wind and there was a beautiful heavy mist.   I love it when it is misty - there comes with it a silence and a quiet peace.

The mist cleared by noon and the sun shone for a while, but everything is very cold and damp - all part of winter and it is very beautiful.  There are so many words in our language for rain and mist - but the Irish "Soft Weather" appeals to me most of all.

The days are busy and good and it is a delight to achieve things in my day and I am aware of how far I have come and I am thankful.  I have learned to love myself and to be quiet and let life come to me.

It is Ruby Tuesday and I hope that there is some sparkle and glitter in your day and that you can find some gems to carry you through your week.  We have our Winter Solstice mid week which means that we will have our shortest day and then the days will lengthen and we will be on the way to summer again.

Those in the Northern Hemisphere will enjoy their longest day and be mid summer and I know the days are warm and long and being much enjoyed.  Many parts of the United States are experiencing drought and we here in Australia can understand how difficult drought filled days can be.  I hope rain comes for them soon.    I have spoken to family and friends who work on the land and the rains have come for them at the right time for seeding and follow up rains have come too - so there is hope of a good season.

There is much illness and sadness and if these things are touching your life I send my care and my compassion and thoughts to you.  These things are all part of the circle of life and will touch us all in due time.   Those who care for sick loved ones do so with very good grace, but it certainly does take it's toll on them.    The care is done willingly to maintain dignity for their loved one and add the care to their other chores and work.  Fatigue is then an issue and it is my hope and prayer that they are able to take some time out and find some release and time for themselves.  It is really important that there is care for the Carer.    You are in my thoughts daily.

Sadness touches our lives when someone we know or love loses their battle with illness and while their pain is over we are left with a pain of loss and memory of times spent together.  Hold tight to the memories and try to remember the good times and  my love and care is with you. 

There is so much beauty around us in healthy and abundant gardens, bird live and song .   It is wonderful to see the growth come after hours of work and  as a labour of love and to see gardens flourish.

This is a photograph of my Donor Rose in New Jersey - full of life and many buds - it is blossoming beautifully.

The warmth of summer sun is encouraging the flowers to bloom and it brings such great joy to me to honour my gifted life and my donor and his family.

It is almost time for me to get off to my bed and snuggle down in the warmth with my book and then to cast off the mooring rope and drift off with the dream tide of sleep.

Thank you for calling by to read the musings of my heart - a heart which finds joy and delight in being loved and cared for - and in loving and caring.

If I am quiet and hold still, life comes to me.

Love and hugs,

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