Thursday, August 2, 2012


This is a late night post from me - while I wait for my electric blanket to warm by bed - I know I am a wimp - never used to be - used to love to slide into crisp cotton sheets and find the cold spots in the bed, but these days I like the warmth of the bed.   Aging ?   or just changes in my life for whatever reason - I don't know but warm is the flavour of the month for me.

I had coffee with a friend yesterday afternoon and it was doubly special because that friend is also my younger daughter.    As part of her job she had been out locally in our area to address a Church Group for Amnesty International ~ so her Dad and I collected her and then went out for coffee by the lake.    It was lovely to see her all grown and confident and enjoying what she does.   The time by the lake was lovely, although the chilly wind was blowing.   I am blessed to have had this time.

Coffee, cake and conversation are important and on Sunday's I spend time with a friend over coffee and we discuss all sorts of things - it is a cherished time for me.  Albeit it is due to the wonders of the modern technology that we are able to rendezvous and transcend time and distance.  It is a magic time.

I am working on that gold medal for napping - this afternoon I slept for two and a half hours and I am enjoying the warmth of snuggling down and trying to read a while - I think I read two paragraphs this afternoon - going to take me a long time to get through my book at this rate.   In the early days post transplant I would often read right through the night and sleep during the day - my clock was way out of alignment.

These are my daffodils now picked and on my desk and I am truly delighted with them - they are perfect and bring me joy each time I look at them.

Today is Thankful Thursday and I have so much to be thankful for and the gift of the daffodils and the gift of friendship, care and support are high on my list today.

There are too many things to list on my Thankful list, but I am grateful and thankful for loving and caring support from my family and my friends.  Those who pass on a cheery word, listen to my fears, wipe my tears and encourage me to do things that challenge me with messages of   "hit the road, roads are for journeys not destinations".

Those who laugh with me and are silly with me - I cherish the silliness  - it keeps me grounded and yet those silly friends can be so serious and share care and concern and demand respect when needed.

I am indeed blessed on this Thankful Thursday and I thank you for calling by to visit the musings of this thankful heart.   I hope you are able to have coffee with a friend and enjoy the companionship and joy of friendship.

I hope there are green lights in traffic for you, smiles from strangers, a hug from a friend, a quiet moment with those you love, a phone call that means the world to you, a short line at the store checkout, a nice news article to read, joy and laughter, music and magic and that you are thankful for these things.

Love and hugs,

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