Sunday, August 5, 2012


Welcome to Sunday morning in my little corner of the world where the sky is bright and clear after a stormy night with lots of thunder, some rain but thankfully no wind - the garden looks lovely and there are diamond raindrops to be seen everywhere.

Today is a new day indeed - with all the excitement, potential and hope that these days bring - how do you plan to spend your new day ?  

For those of you who linger in summer days - perhaps a nice relaxing afternoon of reading in a shady spot, relaxing by the pool, walking on the beach or through a leafy green park.    For those of us for whom winter is our companion - hot chocolate, a cosy fire and a good book sound wonderful to me.   Perhaps a movie and some craft work.   Time with those you love and time to enjoy LIFE and our beautiful world because in spite of all the horrible things that happen we still live in a beautiful world.

Paint on your canvas, write on your page, make memories and enjoy the thrill of being alive and with those you love.

Talk on the phone, catch up with letter writing (yes there are still some of us who do that) catch up on emails, a diary or a journal to store memories.  Sorting through old photographs can fill many happy hours and rekindle the warmth of bygone days.

Let the warmth of the sun or the glow from the fire warm your heart and ease any pain you have been feeling, may your anxieties drift away on the tide and may there be peace in your heart.

Sometimes there are thoughts that linger with us longer than they really should and about which we can do nothing - maybe today is the day to let them go and find a calm acceptance that you did your best and that some people are just made that way and make our lives difficult.

Make today the day when you remember to tell those you love that you do love them, that they are special and you enjoy their company.  Do something nice for them - make them coffee, a long cold drink and listen to some music that you both like.  It doesn't have to be costly to make special times ~ just a little bit of thought and effort make a new day very special.

I did some shopping on Friday and had a wonderful time finding things that are American now available in my shops -greeting cards and Hershey's chocolate - now that has to have been a good day - and it was.

Whatever you decide to do with today and in fact with each tomorrow, I wish you a peaceful calm journey and may there be flowers on your pathway and diamonds in your sky. 

The Moon last night (a waning moon coming off the recent full) was SPLENDID
and reminded me of the words by Alfred Noyse in "The Highway Man"

"THE wind was a torrent of darkness among the gusty trees, 
The moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas, 
The road was a ribbon of moonlight over the purple moor"

It was delightful even mid hailstorm - it was truly beautiful.

Thank you for visiting the musings of this contented heart - a heart that is at peace with itself on this beautiful winter day.

Love and hugs, 

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