Thursday, August 16, 2012


Good evening from a very wet city of Adelaide - the day that the rains came down - it has been wet, wet, wet - and did I tell you it was raining.

Much needed and wanted rains and hopefully in the catchment areas and hopefully on the farmlands that need it so much.

No matter how much we water by hand there is nothing like a good soaking rain to nourish, nurture and encourage our gardens (and weeds) to grow and gardens all over the world benefit from the "soft refreshing rain" - although listening to the noise on my roof right now - there is nothing soft about this lot of rain.

We were on the road this afternoon to Flinders for my Dermatology appointment and boy oh boy were the roads busy and hectic - visibility was very low, lights were on and traffic was slow.   We are home safely and for that I give thanks.

My appointment was good news too - it seems I am in "particularly good shape for the skin I'm in - it is damaged from the Stevens Johnson, but is functioning very well.   I had the reminders about sunblock, hats and long sleeves but all in all it was a wonderful appointment.   Spent some time chatting to a young Doctor from Southern California - who shared her delight that she is "going home for Christmas" with me.

I have some pictures to share with you of gardens on both sides of the world.

A beautiful rose growing in USA 

I hope you can see the butterfly in this picture

These photographs of my precious daffodils have brought much sunshine and pleasure to a winter day - I hope you can see the raindrops on them.

So as I sit in the warmth of a winter evening writing to you - I am very aware of the beauty that is in my world - no matter which side of the globe.

There is beauty in nature - in bugs, birds and my beloved butterflies, there is beauty in the raindrops that glisten like diamonds.

There is beauty in the silver bead curtain of rain that falls from a pewter coloured sky.

There is much beauty to be found all around us and in every situation ~ there is the beauty of friendship and the beauty of knowing we are loved and cared for.

There is beauty in good reports from medical appointments - beauty in the conversations with a total stranger ~ the sharing of hopes and dreams for the coming year -and while it seems strange to talk about 2013 - it is on it's way and I have an appointment already for August 14th. 2013.

I took my Diary down for the year of my transplant 2009 and there are many appointments and hospital stays mentioned in there - 2010 also holds many appointments and less hospital stays, and 2011 and 2012 hold even less - I am blessed indeed to have made such immense progress and to be as well as I am.

I am thankful to my Donor and his family, to the Donors of those I love and care for - and with a very thankful heart I am happy to enjoy the winter season and the rain - because it means I am alive and another spring is mine - heralded by these beautiful daffodils.

I wake each day with a thankful heart and actively try to find something beautiful to photograph each day - I took this photograph on Tuesday in a shopping centre car park - a miniature bottle brush.

There is beauty all around us if we but look and see - and I wish you a day in which you can find beauty, can enjoy the flutter of a butterfly's wing, and express disappointment when she flies away.   I have found beauty today in the diamond raindrops on my daffodils.

I wish you shelter from the storms of life, a calm and peaceful place to read or rest, a comfortable bed and a soft and downy pillow on which to lay your head.   A good book to read, coffee you didn't have to make yourself and green lights in traffic and fair winds to fill your sails as you navigate the sea of your life.
May there be beautiful music to stir your soul and bring joy to your heart.

Thank you for visiting the musings of this thankful heart - I give thanks for all who visit here and may blessings abound for you.

Love and hugs,

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