Friday, January 25, 2013


Welcome to my world - a much cooler place since we were graced by a cool change at three this morning.   I sat outside for a while after the wind changed and enjoyed the leaves tossing in the trees and watching clouds race across the moon.

I have been exercising my hand at regular intervals and am happy to report that even typing is a little easier as the fingers are a little less still and as little stronger.  I have been touch typing for nearly 50 years and have found it so limiting to not be able to do it - but I am on the road to recovery and hopefully will be able to blog regularly again.

I am also in the process of discussions with a beautiful lady who is going to design a template for my blog - I did think all pinks and soft colours, but at the moment my thoughts are heading towards something much bolder and brighter - perhaps making a statement of how glad I am to be alive and living a good life.

The blog will remain "Musings from my Heart" irrespective of what design I choose.   If you have any ideas I would be interested to hear from you.

Today's beautiful cool weather has made me restless and I was thinking a while ago that I would go to the River for a while - then I realized that I am still not to drive - so that will have to wait.

It's been a tough couple of weeks in the Transplant Community and in the Group I manager - we have lost three members in a very short period of time. Such different stories:

 Sandi who had her transplant over twenty five years ago and lived every moment to the full.

Greg who chose not to be listed for transplant and to just let nature take it's course.

And this morning I woke to read the news that Scott - a beautiful young husband of 38 young years had died, leaving his wife Jennifer and their three young children Caitlin, Benjamin and Mason.  He had been number one on the list for the last month but there was no call for him and the sinister nature of Liver Disease took his life.

Working and being involved in the Transplant Community we ride the roller coaster of highs and lows, successes and failures but constantly live with the hope of a gifted life.

I also had news of Big McKenzie (Bone Marrow recipient) who is failing fast and is now being sent home on Hospice care.  I hold Melinda and McKenzie in my heart and feel immensely sad as I have traveled the road with them for over two years.   This child is now 11 and could not have had better or more loving support and care and I promise my love and care to both of them for the coming days of their journey.

All of this has touched me deeply and with tears I rejoice for the years that Sandi had, the strength and the courage of Melinda and McKenzie, the wonderful care given to Scott and to Greg by their respective spouses and bow my head in humility that I was blessed to receive the gift of life and that my journey has been guided by wonderful medical teams and that I am alive and well.  I came so close and I am thankful for each day of my gifted life.

These past weeks have strengthened my resolve to work towards better education and understanding in the community of the value of Organ Donation, to talk freely with anyone who will listen, to work towards educating perhaps the young in our High Schools - let's get them when they are young and they will go home and do the educating of their parents.

My transplant does not define me - it is not who I am - it is what happened to me and if I can use this gift to help others then I will happily do so.

Talk with your friends and most importantly have the conversation with your family so they know your wishes and be sure to register in the State where you live.

Yes I am back, and yes I am still championing the cause and I will go on doing so - it's what I do - it is the action of a caring and compassionate heart and one who lives every day with gratitude.

My worlds for 2013 are "CELEBRATE" and "EMBRACE" and I will go on celebrating the wonder that Organ Donation is and my wonderful life ~ and will embrace the cause and work steadily for it.

Thank you for visiting the Musings of My Heart today a heart that is filled with wonder and touched with sadness for those for whom the path has not been so easy.

Love and hugs,

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