Tuesday, August 27, 2013


The air is warmer and the sun has been shining in my Fair City today - definitely a change in the air and a day when no rain has fallen.   It is getting towards end of day now and the damp air is coming in but I am thankful for the warmth of today.

It's been an interesting day - busy and yet not much achieved - but a day when the phone has rung hot and messages come in thick and fast.

We are out to dinner with a friend for his birthday so that will be nice and I have enjoyed a warm spot in the garden with coffee and my book - nice things to do and much enjoyed.

Today it is ten years since my Father died and I miss him - I miss the discussion, the debate, the poetry and the laughter and yet I would not wish him back to watch him struggle to breathe.   I would not wish him back to have had to witness my illness and transplant - it would have broken his heart.    But, that said - I do miss him.

This photograph was taken when I was about three or four years old (a very long time ago) and was taken on Bidston Hill in Cheshire, England and I remember it like it were yesterday - I can hear his voice and his laughter and feel the rough fabric of his jacket.

It has been a nice day of remembering the good times and the special times we had together - the visits to the Market and always a gift for me - and always something special to eat.   In later years it was the coffee and the political discussion and debate that I remember - it would be interesting if he were here today to discuss our current political situation and the forthcoming election.

Each time I do a crossword puzzle I think of him and his neatly filled in grid and folded paper.  I remember walks in the snow on Christmas morning to see his Grandmother and oh so many special times.   These memories are a blessing.   It was my Father who encouraged me to discuss and debate and then when I had a varying opinion to his he didn't like it very much.  He is gone but at least I had those times and shall carry the memories with me.'

Listen to Glenn Miller and "String of Pearls"  I grew up on a staple diet of Glenn Miller but this was his favourite and is one of mine.

On this special but ordinary day - please know that you are valued and appreciated and that you do play an important part in my life.  

Thank you for visiting the Musings of a pensive heart today - pensive but a happy heart to have been blessed with these memories.

Love and hugs,


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