Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Thank you for sharing Wonderful Wednesday with me - it has been such a pretty day here in Adelaide.   The sun has been shining, the birds singing and the sky a beautiful brilliant blue.   There is warmth on the breeze and I believe we have turned the corner from winter and spring is on our horizon.

I looked at the sunshine this morning and it reminded me of so many things in my life - so many happy times with those I love and care very much for.

It also reminded me that I must be gracious and allow myself to shine and be who I am and to kindly and brightly try to cheer the day of those around me.
To shine in the dark corners for those who carry a burden and are sad, to support and uphold those who need my care.   I am truly reminded too that I need others to shine for me and to make me smile, to let their light into the darker corners of my life.

My messages first thing this morning brought a lovely smile and I am thankful for those.

Wherever you are on this August day - let your little light shine and to those having birthdays - shine on and enjoy the fuss and attention and celebrate another birthday - another milestone.

Thank you for visiting the Musings of my Heart and I send love and hugs your way.

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