Monday, January 12, 2015


Good afternoon and welcome to Monday - so much for doing this Blog first thing in the mornings - that didn't happen - somehow the day has just blown by in a blur of grey clouds and steamy atmosphere.   It is quite humid in Adelaide at the moment - such a difference from our normal very dry blistering heat.

There has been little wind today and it would not be a suitable day for kite flying .   I love flying kites - there is something very special about holding on to the string - a feeling of power.   I have a lovely kite that has a Crimson Rosella on it and I find it exhilarating to be out flying a kite.    Tomorrow is going to be windy but I won't be out flying my kite tomorrow as I have appointments.

I love to see children flying kites and running into the wind - on a cold day it is lovely to see their red cheeks.

Life is rather like flying a kite - we need to struggle against the problems that beset us so that we can rise above and fly free.   We can't give up and go along with the wind - we need to soar above.

Hold on tight to the string of your kite, be strong and rise highest against the wind.  Feel the wind in your hair and on your face and enjoy the challenges that life brings your way.

Thank you for visiting the Musings from My Heart and for sharing my imagination and for flying your kite.

Love and hugs,


Margee said...

Hi Linda, I really like your new endeavor.

Linda J. said...

Thank you Margee - I am enjoying getting back in touch with myself and my blog followers.

Thank you for your encouragement. :)