Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Kenny Chesney and Dave Matthews - I'm Alive

Good Morning and welcome to sunshine and gentle winds in a cold city of Adelaide.
A sleepless night for me - but I can deal with that ~ I am alive and breathing in and out.

Today is 78 weeks since my transplant surgery which is in fact 18 months and it totally overwhelms me that my health is so much better.   I have a few battle scars ( a very big real scar) and some skin damage from the Stevens Johnson, but so many things are so much better for me.

The breathing is wonderful as it was a real problem - so many difficult days and weeks and my sincere thanks goes to those who stood with me, cared for me, changed my bed linen, shopped for me and with me.  Those who waited patiently while I needed to rest because I couldn't breath - you know who you are and my heart shall forever me thankful.
You drove me to many and varied appointments at all hours of the day and night, listened to my fears and frustration without a word of complaint.

I am blessed indeed to have such a good network of support and to those who belong to my broader network who prayerfully and carefully supported me (and still do) I offer my thanks.

Increasing the awareness of organ and tissue donation and transplant has become a passion for me and I try to speak to people about it wherever I am and the situation arises.

At the risk of repeating myself - please make your decision and be sure your family are aware of your wishes and get your name on the Donor Register.

The link to the song I'm Alive is at the top of this page - please listen and enjoy and know that has become my Anthem and theme song.

I shall forever be thankful to the compassionate team of Nurses who kept me going often during difficult days and the skills of those Doctors, Surgeons and Specialists who treated me with great dignity and the Transplant Team - a group of Angels.

I'm alive and well and glad you came by to read "The Musings of My Heart."

Love and hugs,

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Tuesday Afternoon - The Moody Blues

A song I haven't heard or played for a long time - Tuesday Afternoon - well whatever time it is in your little corner of the world Tuesday afternoon will come around soon enough.

"Tuesday afternoon,
I'm just beginning to see, now I'm on my way
It doesn't matter to me, chasing the clouds away.

Something, calls to me,
The trees are drawing me near, I've got to find out why
Those gentle voices I hear, explain it all with a sigh.

I'm looking at myself reflections of my mind,
It's just the kind of day to leave myself behind.
So gently swaying through the fairyland of love,
If you'll just come with me you'll see the beauty of

Tuesday afternoon, Tuesday afternoon.

Tuesday, afternoon,
I'm just beginning to see, now I'm on my way.
It doesn't matter to me, chasing the clouds away.
Something, calls to me,
The trees are drawing me near, I've got to find out why
Those gentle voices I hear, explain it all with a sigh."

Welcome to Ruby Tuesday and the sun is shining and winter sunshine always brings a smile my way - it is watery sun, but very lovely,  Birds are singing and there is peace in my world - coffee and blogging - nice feeling. 

When I sat down to do this Blog I had no idea of the direction it would take and here we are marching along.  Pink rose on my desk and my coffee in my "I Live Because of My Liver Donor" mug.

I really like coffee mugs in all shapes, sizes and colours.   Of course I have lots of them (far more than I will ever need).  Some with daffodils, roses and other flowers, one that states "Older but Wiser" and the Garfield one with my initial on it and another Garfield that states  "Being a Mum is a party a minute."  another one supporting breast cancer awareness (I always use that in October.) I have dozens of them and believe me I use them all at some stage of my week.  They come in all colours, shapes and sizes and have often been gifts.  Some are fine china and some are rather more robust.

Of course there is rather an interesting collection of Christmas ones that encourage me to "Believe" and they come out on 1st. December and stay out in use until long after Christmas is gone.

I keep promising myself I will not purchase any more but I can't seem to get the addiction under control.   I have a clean out every so often and part with some of them but the old faithfuls stay with me and are used.

I do have another addiction and that is to handbags/shopping bags and my plan is to buy this lovely bag very soon:

and of course it is pink.  

I have told myself very often that I am not going to collect things any more - but I am obviously not listening and definitely not hearing what is being said. 

I guess it is a case of "need" or "want" and most of the things on my list are "wants" - I have all that I need - family, friends, a home, a car and lots of things to make life sweet, but there sure is a long list of "wants".  

Also on the "to buy" list is a set of car registration number plate frames.
I think if I am asked what I would like for my birthday - a set of licence plate frames or the bag would do nicely.  It is a very good way to increase awareness of organ and tissue donation and that's what my plan is.   

So there you have it - a little bit of me shared with you - and I hope wherever you are on Ruby Tuesday that you are able to spend time nurturing yourself and sharing your love of life with people.  Smile at strangers, open a door for someone, be glad to be alive and share the feeling.

Have a wonderful Ruby Tuesday and I send love and hugs, and thanks for taking the time to visit and read "The Musings from My Heart."


Monday, June 27, 2011


Tom T. Hall - Old Dogs and Children and Water Melon Wine.

Good Morning and welcome to Monday - sun shine and blue skies in Adelaide this morning and I am a little behind this morning - been doing lots of thinking and not writing.   I heard this piece of music at sometime through the night when I had the radio on and couldn't sleep.  It got me to thinking about "old dogs and children".

I have been blessed to have both in my life.  My own precious children (who would be appalled if they thought I called them children), others I have loved as my own and lots of other children.    Each one of them has brought their own special magic and inspiration.   The funny things they have said, the kindnesses they have done and oh the joy of their laughter, the busy times when noise and chaos reigned.   The achievements that I have shared with them - they are certainly worth more than a solitary dime.  I also have boxes filled with their creations - no value to many but priceless to me.

I loved mine long before they were born, we played music to them in utero and I talked to them and read stories to them, and I loved them more the instant I set eyes on them and there is nothing I would not have done for them and I knew then that I would die for them and still would. 

My song of gratitude when I was so ill was my thankfulness that it was me and not my children going through the experience and the pain I saw in their eyes then worried me more than I worried about myself.  Thankfully their eyes are clearer and the pain is not there now.  Aren't organ transplants a wonderful thing?

I am still blessed to have children in my life - Grace and Henry bring lots of joy and smiles to me and the welcomes are always sweet and warm.  I have two teenagers too - Jessica just 13 and Ashleigh coming up to 16 in November - Oh it's going to be fun to watch them grow.

On the "old  dogs" - there have been lots of them in my life and they have all brought joy and pain when the parting came.  I feel blessed to have had them in my life and also privileged to be able to honour their friendship and trust by not allowing them to suffer.  There have been lots of tears at the parting, but there are cherished memories of absolute trust and unconditional love from my pets.  They never minded if I was cranky and were always pleased to see me.  I have such special memories.

As for the "watermelon wine" - I'll take the watermelon in it's natural form on a hot summer day with the juice running down my chin - sweet, cooling and special.

I hope your Monday is a special one and that you are able to share the joy of your children or grandchildren, or any other children in your life.   Watch them splash in puddles with total abandon, hear the shrieks as they play in water and listen to what they say - they are often wise beyond their years.

I have been reading and share this with you 

On Children
 Kahlil Gibran

"Your children are not your children.
  They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
   They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.

You may give them your love but not your thoughts,

For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, 
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.

You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.

The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite,
and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far.
Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;  For even as He loves the arrow that flies,  so He loves also the bow that is stable."

Very beautiful words which I love and often read - I hope you find some comfort in them.

I don't want to ever grow old - I will gladly linger in the garden of childhood - they seem to have such fun there.   " Growing old is mandatory but growing up is optional" and I am happy to take the second option.

Live life to the full and thank you for visiting and reading "The Musings from my Heart"

Love and hugs,

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Sunday Morning Sunrise in my sky this morning
Cat Stevens - Morning Has Broken

Good Morning  - and every morning is a good morning - I am alive and well and very aware of breathing in and breathing out.   Waking this Sunday morning warm and snuggled up in my bed made me aware of the fact that I had been asleep.

It is a beautiful winter morning and the sunrise was beautiful - (must have been great for any neighbours who were awake to see me out front with bed hair and in dressing gown with camera in hand.

I have always been a morning person and valued the time before the world woke from sleep and it is cherished even more since my transplant - I am aware that I have another new day to live and breath.

There were times when I was so ill and immediately after transplant that I was afraid to go to sleep - afraid that I wouldn't wake - not rational I know - but fear isn't rational.  Listening again to Cat Stevens singing "Morning has Broken" took me back to my childhood and singing that in School Choir but it is sweeter now to me than it ever was: -

"Morning has broken, like the first morning
blackbird has spoken, like the first bird
Praise for the singing, praise for the morning
Praise for the springing fresh from the world

Sweet the rain's new fall, sunlit from heaven
Like the first dew fall, on the first grass
Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden
Sprung in completeness where his feet pass

Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning
Born of the one light, Eden saw play
Praise with elation, praise every morning
God's recreation of the new day

Morning has broken like the first morning
Blackbird has spoken like the first bird
Praise for the singing, praise for the morning
Praise for them springing fresh from the word"
© Eleanor Farjeon

The words "Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning" are sweet and cherished and I do value each new morning and my thoughts are flying free this morning as I have just remembered something else I used to sing as a much younger person, but the words are even more valid now:-

New every morning is the love
Our wakening and uprising prove;
Through sleep and darkness safely brought,
Restored to life and power and thought.
New mercies, each returning day,

Cherish your Sunday when it arrives for you - cherish each morning and the fresh start is holds for you.
We can't change the past or undo things but we do have the chance to do things a little better on each new day.  Take the promise that comes with the morning and live life to the full, be a little kinder and share the joys that you feel in your heart.

I had a lovely dinner with two friends last night and it was a joy to sit and talk and remember things and share them.   We discussed lots of things and Narelle and I are going to do a full day course making some jewellery - I was a bit taken back that Narelle would want to come with me - taken back but delighted. So now we have to decide exactly which course and get it all booked up and then enjoy the anticipation.  
Just looking through the program for courses I have spotted another one that I may consider doing - "Knit yourself a Rainbow Scarf Shawl"   I am just so pleased to be able to be well enough to even consider these things again. 

I wish you all a wonderful Sunday and when sunset comes for you may you have a feeling of contentment in your heart that you have done your best and not wasted a beautiful Sunday.

Enjoy your family and friends, be well, be safe and be loved.   Thank you for visiting "The Musings of My Heart'

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Beef and Barley soup.
Brooke Fraser - Something in the Water.

Good Morning and welcome to a cheerful Saturday morning - the sun is shining in my little corner of the world and I have a whole day in front of me to do what I want - I have already done laundry and have a bit pot of beef and barley soup on cooking.  And I have a song stuck in my head - you know when you hear it and it stays with you all day an "ear worm" is what they call it - and today I have Brooke Fraser's "Something in the Water" stuck in my head.   I love it and I love the words - such as

"I wear a demeanour made of bright pretty things...
Birds singing on my shoulder ...."
Halos made of summer and rhythms made of spring...

I wear a demeanor made of bright pretty things
What she wears, what she wears, what she wears
Birds singing on my shoulder in harmony it seems
How they sing, how they sing, how they sing

Give me nights of solitude, red wine just a glass or two,
Reclined in a hammock on a balmy evening
I'll pretend that its no thing that’s skipping my heart when I think of you
thinking of me babe I'm crazy over you

There's something in the water, something in the water
There’s something in the water, that makes me love you like –
I’ve got halo’s made of summer, rhythms made of spring
What she wears, what she wears, what she wears
I got crowns of words a woven each one a song to sing
Oh I sing, oh I sing, oh I sing

Give me long days in the sun,
preludes to the nights to come
Previews of the mornings laying in all lazy
give me something fun to do like a life of loving you
kiss me quick now baby I'm still crazy over you

There's something in the water, something in the water
There's something in the water that makes me love you like I do
Give me nights of solitude, red wine just a glass or two, give me something fun to do

It is a very catchy tune and I have it for today.

Yesterday was "Red Nose" day - a fund raising event for awareness of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and although I didn't see many red noses when I was out and about I am sharing my Red Nose Me image:

I think it is a wonderful way to bring awareness and also it is a fun thing to do and lots of people used to get involved - I am hoping that I am just out of the loop and that support for this wonderful cause is not waning.

It is an absolutely glorious winter day - the sun is shining and the sky is blue - cold it may be but the sunshine cheers people up and has me singing..........Do do do do do d  Ahhhhh Ahhhhh Ahhhhhh

I hope that life is cheerful for you and that you have plans to make some memories this weekend.  I have so many things I have thought about doing and I shan't be surprised if very few of them get done, but I will be spending some time in the sun with coffee and a crossword puzzle to start with.  My laundry is drying in the sunshine and there is peace in my heart - I share the concerns of friends about their loved ones and will continue to hold them close, but I think today is going to be a rest, restore, revive and a nurture me day. Indulgent I know - but necessary I feel.  Physically it will do me good to rest, but I am going to try to rest my mind too - it generally operates at about 100 miles per hour and with some music and sunshine I should be able to get the speed down. 

Enjoy the silliness of the red nose photo - and I hope you can find some silliness and smiles in your day.  Laughter is so healing - find something nice to do that will make you smile or laugh and enjoy it all.  Dance on the wind and live life to the full.

Have a wonderful day and thanks for popping by to read "The Musings from My Heart" - a cheerful singing heart this morning.

Love and hugs,

Friday, June 24, 2011


Sunshine on my Shoulder - John Denver

Good Morning and welcome to sunshine and blue skies in Adelaide today and it is not as cold as it has been.
I am glad the sun is shining today because today is the day that the Bishop family farewell their precious daughter and sister Lilah.

Lilah and her story have spread so much sunshine all around the world that is seems fitting that the sun should shine for her.   The generosity of this family in sharing Lilah's story has meant so much to so many people - children are hugged a little lighter, people are living in the moment and showing much more patience with their children and having happy family times.

Farewell Lilah Sophie - go in peace - your work is done - candles will be lit all around the world and pink balloons released - you will not be forgotten little one.

Beautiful Lilah and her Mum Andrea

This is my favourite photograph of Lilah and my heart goes out to Andrea and Nic - I can't begin to imagine the pain you are feeling.  Lilah's legacy lives on.

It has been a joy for me this morning to take a friend to hospital for tests - instead of being the patient I was the driver and it was a really nice feeling.  I am expecting a phone call to collect her sometime soon.

It is Friday again and hot on its heels will be the weekend and I wish you a pleasant time - a special time with your children - Live Life for Lilah.   Have a picnic, walk in the park or at the beach,  - all the things that Lilah never got to do - you have the chance with your children. My wish for you all - with or without children in your lives is that you be present to the moment.  Put the stress of work aside just for a little while and hear what people say by really listening.

I have done my shopping today so that will put me a little off key for Saturday when I normally do it, but I will find something special to do instead - I may visit a park or walk at the beach - largely depends on the weather.   Everyone will be hoping for a sunny, dry Saturday - especially those girls who have chosen tomorrow for their weddings.

I wish you sunshine and laughter and the love of friends and family, and thank you for visiting and reading
"the Musings from my Heart."

I shall light a candle for Lilah and let her little light shine.

Love and hugs,

Soweto Gospel Choir - Let My Little Light Shine

Shine on Lilah Sophie.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


I am very happy to report that B1 and B2 have been returned home and are safely back in the Foyer of ABC Broadcasting here in Adelaide.

Welcome home B1 and B2 you were missed.   Special thanks to ABC's SPENCE DENNY for his work in recovering them and for acting as Hostage Negotiator and for driving them safely home.

On their way home in the Big Red Car

Spence and the Bananas at the Police Station
This means that Jemima, Big Ted, Humpty and all the other Play School family can be released from protective custody and all is well - this news story went National and there is relief all over the country that they are safe and back home,

The Bananas are having their pyjamas laundered - they will feel so much better then.
A good result all round.

Love and hugs,

THANKFUL THURSDAY -There's so much to be thankful for.....

Josh Groban  - Thankful


Some days we forget
To look around us
Some days we can't see
The joy that surrounds us
So caught up inside ourselves
We take when we should give.

So for tonight we pray for
What we know can be.
And on this day we hope for
What we still can't see.
It's up to us to be the change
And even though we all can still do more
There's so much to be thankful for.

Look beyond ourselves
There's so much sorrow
It's way too late to say
I'll cry tomorrow
Each of us must find our truth
It's so long overdue

So for tonight we pray for
What we know can be
And every day we hope for
What we still can't see
It's up to us to be the change
And even though we all can still do more
There's so much to be thankful for.

Even with our differences
There is a place we're all connected
Each of us can find each other's light

So for tonight we pray for
What we know can be
And on this day we hope for
What we still can't see
It's up to us to be the change
And even though this world needs so much more

There's so much to be thankful for 

Good Morning and welcome to Thankful Thursday and the lyrics to this Josh Groban song very clearly express the feelings I have as I have so much to be thankful for. Times can be difficult and stressful but it is really up to each of us to be the change that we want to see in the world.

Morning brought rain and a chilly wind in my fair city, but I am warm and safe and have coffee and sweet gentle music - I am at home with myself.

I spent a lovely evening with friends - after dinner we sat and tackled a rather difficult crossword puzzle and finally completed it and all felt that our minds had been challenged.  There was laughter and chatter - it was a lovely evening.  I am thankful for friendship and laughter and for being able to spend time together.

I am constantly amazed and thankful for the technology that allows fast instant communication - often just for the pleasure of being in touch, but also for those times of illness and difficulty.  To send love and prayers and care instantly around the world just astounds me.

I get to see the photographs of children growing and doing very well, I get to share the heartaches and victories and I am thankful.

I am thankful for my life - albeit changed, but it is life and I love it.  I am blessed indeed with family and friends, shelter from the storm (both actual and emotional) and at this time of year I am grateful to be warm and cozy.

I hope that wherever you are in our world that you too have so much to be thankful for and can set about being the change you want to see in the world.  I wish you and those you love peace and calm in an often troubled world.  Live life to the full and enjoy the ride.
Be present to every moment of your life and be warm, be safe and be loved.

Thanks for stopping by and reading "The Musings from my Heart." - there is so much to be thankful for.

Love and hugs,

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Fleetwood Mac - Dreams (Thunder only happens when it's raining)

Welcome to a wet winter Wednesday - and we have had our share of rain and thunder and very strong winds.  I love the winter months when snuggling up in a warm bed is delightful, but the damage caused by strong winter winds and flooding rains is heartbreaking.  We have had lots of trees down and many houses have lost their roofs.  (not sure when the spelling of more than one roof became roofs because I was still under the impression it was rooves)   but Praise be no one has been hurt.   I acknowledge the work done by the Emergency Service who venture out of their own homes into the dark of night to help people who have received damage.

I have achieved another milestone in my life today - 77 weeks ago I was in surgery and receiving the gift of life - another family in the midst of the grief at losing a loved one stepped forward and I was the lucky recipient of a liver.   I am alive and well and I wake each morning with a thankful heart knowing how close I came to not being here at all.

I am an passionate campaigner for Organ Donation and for those new to reading "The Musings from My Heart" let me please encourage you to have the family discussion about Organ Donation and to sign up to the appropriate register where you live..
"Don't take your organs to Heaven - Heaven knows we need them here."

This is the link for Australia:

I was supported by an amazing team - medical, support staff, nursing staff, friends and family and I am here today because of the way I was carefully and prayerfully supported.

The wind seems to have died down and the sky is a little brighter but still cloudy from the volcanic ash from the eruption in Chile - so many thousands of miles it has traveled and it is on the second trip around.  Our airline system is in chaos and causing lots of difficulties.

I understand that parts of USA are having summer storms and lots of rain - same rain, same storms but ours is cold and yours is warm.

I hope that your Wednesday is wonderful and that you can find something to be thankful for - spend time with your children, splash in puddles, walk in the rain, stay cool, stay warm - LIVE LIFE.

Thank you for visiting and reading "The Musings from My Heart - a thankful heart this morning.

Love and hugs,

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


The Rainbow Connection - Kermit The Frog

Good Morning and welcome to my wintry world - a very stormy and rough night has given way to a much calmer morning and there was a rainbow in my sky this morning and it was very beautiful.  Got me thinking (dangerous I know) but I got to thinking about colours again and I am wearing red because it gives me a feeling of warmth.

I hope there is a rainbow in your sky and in your heart today - and that you are at peace with yourself.  Take some deep breaths and be present in the moment.

Really listen to what your children are saying - they will  be grown too quickly and it is important that you live life to the full each day.  Be a good listener to a friend who needs to talk - just by being there and hearing what they are saying brings comfort to them.

Lots going on in my circle of friends at the moment and unsettling times for some - house hunting within the price range, sorting out home issues, coping with broken bones and pulled muscles.  Caring for sick children, struggling to still maintain a work schedule and finding care for those sick ones while you work.  They are all issues that bring us down in spirit and of course there are those who grieve.  Grief takes as long as it takes - it has no schedule or routine and is different for everyone.  To some it is very fresh and others have had some time to realize that their loved one is gone, but the pain is no less significant.

On Friday of this week at midday little Lilah Bishop will be farewelled and all over the world people are lighting candles at that time and holding vigils for her.   Fly free little one - your work was done.  Your parents encouraged everyone to "live life for Lilah"  and to be present to each moment.

Light a Candle for Lilah and learn so much from her short life.

Life is filled with bitter/sweet moments and they can be very challenging to us and I wish you strength for your journey and friends to care for you.

I have sunshine coming in through my window and my world is much calmer and for that I am thankful. There was lots of rain and damaging winds.

I understand some parts of USA experienced rain too - a summer storm for them and I hope all is well with those who live there (Diane in Chicago told me about this) and it seems our weather patterns are a little off key these days.  Our Airport is closed due to volcanic cloud from the eruption in Chile.  Second time in a week - seems the cloud is on it's second spin around the world.  Chaos at Airports all over Australia and New Zealand.  How much we depend on flights and technology.

Bananas in Pyjamas - B1 and B2

These two life size characters were stolen over the weekend from our ABC Radio  Building - they usually reside in the Foyer and were abducted on Sunday morning and last seen being carried down a main road.
Nothing else was taken from the building - seems a little strange to me.  I hope they are soon returned to their home at the ABC.

This is the theme song of the Television Characters.

Wishing you a productive Tuesday with peace and calm for your companions, stay safe warm/cool and remember to be present to the moment.

Love and hugs and thanks for visiting.

Monday, June 20, 2011

WELCOME TO MONDAY - hoping it is not "Just Another Manic Monday"

The Bangles - Just Another Manic Monday.

Good Morning and welcome to Monday - I remember oh so well those Manic Mondays - when everyone had to be at a different place at the same time.  Oh boy they were busy times with forgotten uniforms, homework not done, flat tyres and agitated children and a very frazzled Mother.

Monday is cold here but of course it is winter, and the sky is grey with rain on the way.  And for me it is certainly not a "Manic Monday" - I didn't get to sleep until late and surprise surprise it was almost eight when I woke and I am struggling to get into routine.

My Monday is "just another day" - an ordinary, mundane and very beautiful day.  I love the ordinary days and remember how I wept for, cried for, pleaded for ordinary days and now I welcome them with great affection.  I am just so delighted to be alive and living well.  I try not to let stress live in my heart and home and I no longer play with the "Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda Sisters"

I had a brilliant idea that I would move some furniture yesterday - well that didn't work. I wanted to move my Father's roll top desk and now it sits in the middle of the floor and I wait for someone to come home to help me.   Ambition and capabilities are the words that come to mind there.  Ho hum.  It doesn't matter - it was a lesson learned.  That's what happens when you are home on your own for a while and think "I'll just move that"  and no drama really.

I hope your weekend was a good one - Saturday was fun for me and Sunday quiet apart from the furniture episode.  I hope you were able to relish the joy of friendship and family and that there are memories stored away in your memory bank because they will serve you well in future days.

We are almost to the summer/winter solstice when we in Australia will have the shortest day and our nortern hemisphere friends will enjoy their longest day. That means that the days will get progressively longer and the mornings lighter but it will be a while before we really start to notice the difference.   I watched the moon last night and the sky was crystal clear - now why couldn't it be that way for the lunar eclipse?  The weather patterns are something over which we have no control.

Enjoy your sunny day/winter cold day wherever you are - I hope that at least in your heart the sun can shine for you and that there is joy in the little things.   The sound of ice cubes clinking in a glass, a spider in a web, dewdrops/rain drops on the leaves in your garden.   Find something to be thankful for and share a smile with a stranger but don't forget those at home - they need your smiles too.

I am off now to try to catch up with my morning - but I somehow imagine I will be behind with things all day and that doesn't matter a bit - what doesn't get done today can wait until tomorrow.

Blessings about for you and sunshine in your shadows. 
Thanks for reading "The Musings from My Heart"

Love and hugs,

Sunday, June 19, 2011


John Farnham - You're the Voice.

Good Morning and welcome to Sunday morning in my cloudy and cold city.  We are forecast some sunshine later in the day and that will be lovely to see.

Sleep came easier last night and for that I am thankful - I guess being out sitting around eating and talking must have taken it out of me!   We had a lovely afternoon with friends we haven't seen for a while and it was lovely to spend time with them and enjoy love and friendship.   You know the sort of friendship I mean - where you just pick up where you left off and it seems there has been no distance between visits.

It was a lovely time with a lovely group of people and some we hardly knew at all  but were able to enjoy their company and strengthen those friendships.  Listening to people talking amazes me - the tone and timbre of the voices and the accents fascinates me.  I have always been interested in words and voices and some people appeal to me because of their beautiful voice.   Sean Connery's voice enchants me.  I love to hear Susannah York reading the Sonnets, Maggie Smith's wonderful voice - your voice is your signature tune and so much can be said as much by the  the tone as well as the words.

The subject of my health and the journey I have taken came up and for quite some time it became a question and answer session with me holding the floor regarding my surgery, transplant and Stevens Johnson Syndrome.  While enjoying beautiful coffee and birthday cake I became aware of the opportunity I had been presented with - the chance to be the "The Voice" and to advocate for Organ Donation.   Of course I took the opportunity and really enjoyed being able to answer questions and to actively encourage my audience to be sure to register and to make their families aware of their choice.

I was very encouraged by the fact that several times I was told how well I was looking and friends expressed the concern they felt when they had visited me in hospital.  It was a very healing and wholesome afternoon sitting outside under a beautiful pergola with a lovely big gas heater going and the rain falling down.

Miss 13 received lots of gifts of money and was delighted to be so "rich" and was planning and scheming what to buy with the money.  We didn't add to the stash of funds, but bought a Movie Pass to be used within the year.  She should get three or four movies out of that and as she will be wanting to go to the Movies with friends that should help.

I also had the opportunity to say something to the Beautiful Lady who was my late Father's Partner for fifteen years.  In the company of friends and her family I was able to say that she gave my Father the best fifteen years of his life and that I was thankful for that.

All in all it was a very healing and healthy afternoon and the food was lovely  - casseroles and mornays, cakes, flans, tarts and pastries and a huge beautiful cream filled birthday cake.   Lovely coffee - it was great.  Jessica (the birthday girl) holds hopes of becoming a Pastry Chef and had been busy making all sorts of little sweet pastries which were delicious.

This family has become part of our extended family and it was a great afternoon.   I encourage you to make arrangements to see someone you haven't seen for a while, make a phone call you have been meaning to make and nurture friendships.  We all get tied up and busy and the days just go by so quickly - but like me I am sure you will find it worth making the effort.

Perhaps on this Sunday you could visit someone or call them and I hope it makes you feel as happy as it did me.  Warm and safe in the arms of friendship.

Please pray for little Ethan who is not doing very well - he is in Cincinnati Children's Hospital, Ohio. and his twin brother is very distressed about his brother.

I hope that you are strong enough to allow your voice to be heard for the things that mean the most to you.  That you can clearly state details about the causes and things that touch your heart.

Take care whatever your tasks or outings are for today and I send love and care your way - be warm and be safe and be loved. I would be tickled pink if you would leave a comment after reading "the Musings from My Heart.

Love and hugs,

Saturday, June 18, 2011


A White Sport Coat and a PINK Carnation

Good Morning and welcome to Saturday Morning - grey and dismal in my fair City this morning - damp and misty but hopefully it will clear as the day progresses.

I have been shopping early and am sitting reading the shopping list I forgot to take with me - and you got it there are several items I have forgotten to buy.  Well never mind they are going to have to wait.  It's coffee time for me and time to forget the disaster shopping trip.  Nothing went right - but we all have those times and we cope and get over them.  Nothing drastic but it just didn't go to plan so I relaxed and gave in to it and did what I had to do and came home.

Pink is my favourite colour and the image above shows lots of shades of pink and I have been thinking (dangerous you say) about the phrases we use relative to the colour pink.

"In the Pink" - being well
"Tickled Pink" - absolutely delighted
"Strike me Pink" - Well, I'll be darned. 
"Seeing pink elephants" - after an over indulgence in alcohol
"Pink Collar: -jobs usually done by women

The organization raising funds for research into Breast Cancer has adopted the colour for it's campaign and the phrase "Think Pink" has come into effect.  Lots of companies have special promotions of their products in pink and an amount of money is donated to the research.   At different times during the year I can buy pink

clothes pegs
hand cream
toilet rolls
paper towels
shopping bags
mops and brooms
and I generally do buy them all.

My personal things are often pink and I have the following:  pink diary, address book, notebook, pen, bed linen, towels, glasses case, manicure set, travel bag, toiletries bag, nightdresses, shopping bags, jewellery, watch bands and so much more.  Gifts are often pink and one of my daughters matches the gift with wrapping paper and card (all pink).  Stationery, scissors, hole punch, stapler, notepad holder.  I have my eye on a pink keyboard and mouse but that's going to have to wait a while.  I also have an email address that includes the word pink.

Health wise I am "in the pink" and doing really well - life is good to me and I feel a warm and rosy pink glow - I feel quite mellow and at peace with my world.  I am about to go and pick a pink rose from my garden (I noticed it as I drove in this morning).

Whatever the weekend holds for you, wherever you are - I hope you feel warm inside and that there is peace in your heart.

Share the warmth by being a little kinder than you need to be - help someone carry their burden and enjoy every moment of every day.    Thanks for visiting and reading The Musings from My Heart" and I would be tickled pink if you would leave a comment for me - I try to respond to all comments and they are appreciated.

Love and hugs,

Friday, June 17, 2011


Back Home Again - John Denver

Good morning and welcome to Friday (well it is in the southern hemisphere)  and the weekend is looming on the horizon and will no doubt be welcomed by everyone.  It is cold and sunny here but overnight we had extremely heavy rain in short bursts - enough to freshen things and give the garden quite a shine this morning.

The weeks are just zooming by and Friday is no sooner finished than it is here again.   I know that each week is the same length and takes the same amount of time to pass, but busy and contented weeks seem to fly and weeks when things are a little off key seem to take so long.

I hope you have some plans for the weekend - some time for yourselves, some time with family and a change in the routine that is the working week.  But we are only at Friday - enjoy that first and then embrace the weekend.

A Saturday afternoon birthday celebration for us for a young lady who turns 13 - where has the little girl gone ?  Happy Birthday Jessica - enjoy every moment of the celebration of your arrival at your teen years.

Apart from that and a little shopping - things will be quiet for me and quiet is good - I love the peace and solitude of my own company and I enjoy being able to do things at my own speed and ignoring the clock.

I found it cold during the night and can only imagine how cold those who took part in the "Sleep Out" to raise funds for the St. Vincent DE Paul Homelessness program.   Lots of business CEO's slept rough in parks, gardens all over Australia and were sponsored to do so thus raising funds.   Our "Sleep Out" took place at the Adelaide Zoo and that would have been an interesting night with all the animal noises.
Well done to all who took part and raised funds.  This sort of event gives a very real awareness of the plight of those who have no permanent roof of their own, who sleep rough in our cities each night, enduring cold, wind and rain.

Winter is well and truly with us in Australia and we are experiencing some flooding which brings to mind the emotional flooding and swamping that we often feel.  However deep your river or high your mountain I wish you courage and strength on your journey.  There are times on my journey when the winds blow and the sea is rough and my little boat is tossed around and I know it happens for all of us.  Winter is the time when I feel that our hearts long to be home - that safe place where it is warm.

I have been away from home for long periods of time and that lovely feeling of sleeping in your own bed cannot be described but more importantly it is good to be "at home" with yourself - comfortable with who you are and settled.    I have come to a time in my life where I honestly believe I am at home with myself, I like who I am, I am honest enough to embrace the fact that I am aging, comfortable with my beliefs and ethics and happy to enjoy this wonderful thing called life.

Perhaps some of you are travelling this weekend and going home - I hope it is a good journey and the time spent at home brings joy and warmth to your hearts and lives.

I wish you a sweet and peaceful weekend and some time spent in the home that is your heart - enjoying memories, thoughts and finding contentment.  Thank you for coming to to visit this part of my home - "The Musings from My Heart."

Be warm, be safe and be loved.

Love and hugs,

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Bonnie Tyler - Total  Eclipse of the Heart

Good Morning on this Thankful Thursday in a cold but sunny city of Adelaide.   Today I have so much to be thankful for - I am thankful for the wonders of earth, sea and sky.  I was out of bed at four this morning and all rugged up and outside in the cold to view the beautiful Lunar eclipse, but Mother Nature had other ideas - where I live the cloud cover only allowed fleeting images of this wonder.  When there was just a slice left to see of the moon the clouds cleared and I viewed just a sliver of a dusty red moon - it was beautiful.

I am fascinated by the moon and the pull it has on my life and the seasons of my heart and in a world where chaos reigns I feel glad to have been able to view this spectacle.  It amazes me that volcanic dust and particles from Chile were visible around the moon in my sky.  With all the rumbles under our earth and eruptions and earthquakes there is still beauty to be found.

My daily walk is good - the path is not too rough or steep and I can find peace and calm in my heart in spite of the troubles around me.  

Environmentally things are rough in many places, politically the world seems rather unstable and I take a keen interest in all things political globally, nationally and on a State level.  I make my voice heard where I can but with age has come the realization that there is precious little I can do about it all.  This doesn't stop me listening to news bulletins, reading newspapers on line and keeping in touch with ABC 24 when I am up at weird hours.  I am however, at the stage of my life where I can let things go a little in the knowledge that things will resolve themselves eventually.

Part of my sleep issue is the fact that I have trouble turning my mind off and spend long hours trying to change the world (from my bed of course.)  I do come up with some good ideas at times and yet at other times they are just flights of fancy.

My Father taught me to discuss, debate and cajole and I have passed that on to my girls and we often have political debates and agree to disagree at times, but it is lovely for me to see them make their stand and clearly enunciate their views.  Lots of big words and I love words.

My attitude of gratitude allows me to see things clearly for what they are - how rich I am and how truly blessed I am in so very many ways.   We are almost six months into the year - my word for the year is 'ATTITUDE' and it has served me well thus far.

So with an attitude of gratitude I am thankful today for family and friends who love me just the way I am, for health and medical teams, the comfort of knowing that there is someone at the end of the phone line to calm my fears should I need them.  I am thankful for the warm and comfort that winter foods bring - those lovely thick nourishing soups and home made breads.  For my warm and cozy bed I am grateful.

I hope you are able to be warm and dry today if winter lives with you - for those for whom summer is in residence - cool and shady places, cold drinks, swimming and just relishing the warmth around you - these are my wishes for you today.

Remember to be a little kinder, smile a lot more and learn to be at peace with yourself whatever the burden you carry.  Just do the best you can and live today - it really is all we have.

With a thankful heart I close now and am glad you visited to read "The Musings of My Heart" and I wish for you

A sunbeam to warm you,
A moonbeam to charm you
A sheltering Angel so nothing can harm you.

Dance on the wind.

Love and hugs,

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


76 Trombones - music and lyrics by Meredith Wilson

Good Morning and welcome to Wednesday morning in a cold city of Adelaide, but the sun is shining and the frost is disappearing.  A crisp and good to be alive morning.

The significance of the number and the music is that today I celebrate 76 weeks post transplant and each day is a celebration and honour to the man whose gift gave me life.  My apologies if your day is filled with the music of 76 trombones - I know those things can get stuck in your head - an "ear worm" is what they call it and I know how frustrating it can be.

As you know Wednesdays are my favourite days although any day ending in "Y" is a good one and this Wednesday I am filled with the wonder of life itself, the surgery and the recovery I have made.

I am learning so much about transplant and also about Stevens Johnson Syndrome and all of it makes my life richer and gives me the chance to pass on information of other hungry minds.   Something I learned this week is that the nasal drip I am experiencing is due to damage to the mucous membranes of the nose.  I had been thinking it was to damage caused by all the tubes etc.

It inspires and delights me that there are support groups on line for almost any medical condition and that other caring people who have also taken the same journey are there to support others whose path is difficult.
There are groups who share emotional support and lots of love and care.
Some medical information is shared, but always we depend on our own Medical teams and specialists for advice and care.

I have established a Facebook Page called

and it is used for support and sharing of information - and we now number 49 members and it has taken a while - but we are getting there.  Interesting snippets of information from all over the world are shared about Transplant, Donors and life changing experience.  It is my joy to host that page - it isn't busy and over the next few weeks there will be lots of stuff around about the World Transplant Games which are being held in Sweden.

If you have a connection to Transplant in any way - come and join the group - bring your friends and share a positive experience, and learn how much this experience changes lives.   We are a group consisting of recipients of all (or most) organs - hearts, lungs, livers, kidneys, pancreas - and we have members who are Donor Families and others who just share an interest in Organ donation, whose lives I have touched with my experience.


 - my blog about my journey is now becoming a platform for sharing the experience of others and the bumps along their roads - the journey of friends I have made in the transplant community.  The transplant community world wide is warm and caring and is very like a special family.

My fingers are cold and typing is difficult this morning, but the faster I type the warmer they become and of course the more errors I make. Spell check is wonderful, so too is the grammar check but there are always things that slip under the radar and for that my apologies.

Another sleepless night for me - but during the night an awareness came of how fortunate I am to be alive to go through sleepless nights and what an opportunity they are for deep and meaningful contemplation.  They can be a bit dangerous when I come up with topics for the blog that are slightly "off key" but I really do enjoy sharing my life with you - the ups and downs and bumps and the pure joy of being alive.

The things that bring me joy are love, laughter, care, compassion and friendship - just to name a few.  My bed was warm and I was comfortable but my heart reached out to those who have no warm bed and whose nights are long and cold.  Share some warmth - send some blankets to the homeless and get involved.

Over the years I have worked with homeless people and one of the magic experiences of my life was working  evenings on the "Soup Run" visiting the known haunts of homeless people in Adelaide, providing  them warm soup, sandwiches and some love and care.   It was a delightful time of my life and I shared experiences with many and listened to their stories and learned so much from them.  I was part of a team from The Salvation Army and it brought a greater sense of compassion and sensitivity to my life.

If summer is your companion - then enjoy the warmth and to those who are in the grip of winter - stay warm and safe.  I thank you for visiting and reading"The Musings from my Heart."

Love and hugs,